Strength And Conditioning


David Pavlat (program director), Sara Shuger Fox (Kinesiology chair), Adam Bradley, Leslie Duinink, Jim Fuller, Shelli Green, Kyle Johnson, John Roslien, Monica Ruiz, Matthew Sagar, Katelin Valster

Statement of philosophy

The Strength and Conditioning Major is accredited through the Council on Accreditation of Strength and Conditioning Education (CASCE).

The strength and conditioning program will provide experiences in collaboration with strength and conditioning professionals enabling the strength and conditioning student to learn and apply student outcomes as prescribed by the CASCE necessary to be a competent, professional entry level strength and conditioning coaches. Strength and conditioning education will occur within the liberal arts framework and the mission of Central College. This will occur through interactions with staff, faculty, practicum instructors and peers within the College and the Pella community.

The primary objective of the Central College Strength and Conditioning Program is to prepare entry-level strength and conditioning coaches. Strength and conditioning program students are provided with classroom and practicum experiences that develop and enhance their skills. Practicum experiences are an extension of the academic classroom and allow students to master program outcomes.

Admission to the Strength and Conditioning Program

Students interested in applying to the strength and conditioning program and majoring in strength and conditioning should contact the program director.  The application and interview process (via committee) will occur during the first-year (March 1) or sophomore (October 1) year, prior to officially beginning the program. The requirements to complete the strength and conditioning program include five semesters of coursework over three years. To receive an application, student handbook, copy of the technical standards, transfer policy, GPA requirements, and to get the most current information regarding this program, contact the director of the Strength and Conditioning Program, or go to

Major Communication Skills

A communication skills endorsement from the Strength and Conditioning Program indicates students have achieved college level mastery in both the written and verbal domain. Communication skills will be assessed using predetermined rubric tools in the following classes: KIN 149, KIN 151, KIN 254, KIN 257, KIN 334, KIN 460, KIN 461, SC 293, SC 372, SC 393, and SC 493.  Students assessed as needing further development will be referred to the S&CP program director for a prescriptive plan to improve their communication skills.

Major Restrictions

Students may not declare majors in both Kinesiology and Strength and Conditioning. As a Strength and Conditioning major, students may not declare a Kinesiology minor.

Major Requirements (57 credits)

1. Complete all of the following:
KIN       111        Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab (4) 

KIN       120       Theory and Practical Application of Health-Related Fitness (3)
KIN       149       Introduction to Kinesiology (3)
KIN       151       First Aid and Sports Injuries (3)
KIN       213       Principles of Coaching (3)
KIN       254       Human Anatomy and Kinesiology with Lab (4)
KIN       257       Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription with Lab (4)
KIN       330       Exercise Psychology (4)
KIN       334       Sports Nutrition (4)
KIN       361       Biomechanics with Lab (4)
KIN       460       Exercise Physiology (3)
KIN       461       Exercise Physiology Lab (2)
SC        121       Theory and Practical Application of Skill-Related Fitness (3)
SC        293       Practicum in Strength and Conditioning I (3)
SC        372       Principles and Theories of Strength and Conditioning (4)
SC        393       Practicum in Strength and Conditioning II (3) 
SC        493       Practicum in Strength and Conditioning III (3)