CHEM – Chemistry

CHEM 107 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (3)

Designed for students who may not have a background in chemistry but have an interest in the environmental impacts of chemistry.  This basic chemistry knowledge will then be applied to chemical process in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. The course will conclude with a study of the biosphere.  Students may not receive credit for CHEM 107 and either CHEM 108 or CHEM 111. (NS, GS, EXP)


CHEM 111 General Chemistry I with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: High school or college algebra. Concurrent registration in CHEM 111L required. Introduces the principles of chemistry for understanding chemical problems and for advanced work in the department.  Develops college-level problem solving, analytical thinking, writing, and reading skills. One three-hour lab per week. (NS, EXP)


CHEM 112 General Chemistry II with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 111, Concurrent registration in CHEM 112L required. Continues introducing the principles of chemistry for understanding chemical problems and for advanced work in the department. Develops college-level problem solving, analytical thinking, writing, and reading skills. One three-hour lab per week.

CHEM 203 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 111; CHEM 112 is encouraged. This course covers an overview of organic chemistry and biochemistry with a focus on functional groups, reactivity, biological macromolecules and metabolism. This course is designed for students majoring in the sciences outside of chemistry and biochemistry. One three-hour lab per week.


CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 111. Initiates the study of carbon chemistry by examining the structure and reactivity of organic functional groups with an emphasis on reaction mechanisms. One 3-hour lab per week. The laboratory will focus on basic techniques used in preparative organic chemistry.


CHEM 241 Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 111. An introduction to analytical chemistry, including chemical and physical methods. Two lectures and two laboratories per week.


CHEM 285 Introduction to Chemistry Research (1)

In this course, the student will conduct collaborative research with a faculty mentor from the chemistry department. Students may participate in ongoing faculty research or help collaboratively design their own research topic. Three hours of lab time a week is expected. Students will present their work to the public at the end of each term. Repeatable for credit.


CHEM 321 Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 231. An introduction to inorganic chemistry including descriptive chemistry, chemical bonding, solubilities and coordination chemistry. One three-hour lab per week.


CHEM 331 Organic Chemistry II with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 231. Continues the examination of the theoretical aspects of carbon chemistry. Synthesis and structure determination by spectroscopy are also introduced. The laboratory continues to teach the basic techniques of preparative organic chemistry. In addition, more sophisticated analysis and synthesis are incorporated. One three-hour lab per week.


CHEM 351 Biochemistry with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 331. Introduces the chemistry and metabolic processes of living organisms. One three-hour lab per week.


CHEM 361 Physical Chemistry I (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 241 and MATH 132. An introduction to thermodynamics in a chemistry context. Examines matter in various states. CHEM 361, CHEM 461 and CHEM 363 can be taken in any order. 


CHEM 363 Chemical Kinetics with Lab (1)

Prerequisite:  CHEM 241 and MATH 132.  An introduction to chemical kinetics concepts, including transport phenomena, mechanisms, reaction rates, and transition state theory. Course will include both lecture and laboratory work.


CHEM 372 Environmental Chemistry with Lab (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 241 (CHEM 231 is recommended). An advanced chemistry course focusing on the chemical processes operating in the Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Labs will focus sampling and analysis methods used in detecting various chemicals in the environment. Includes one three-hour lab per week. (GS)


CHEM 421 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 321 and 231. An advanced chemistry course focused on understanding inorganic chemistry of the elements including chemical bonding, synthesis, oxidation and reduction, bioinorganic and organometallic chemistry. A portion of the course will provide training in writing about inorganic chemistry. Lab reports, news releases and a final paper will be written, making this a writing intensive course. One three hour lab per week with 4 lab periods devoted to intensive writing instruction. (WRT)


CHEM 431 Advanced Organic Chemistry with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 331. Concepts in physical organic chemistry that can include mechanisms, molecular orbital theory, thermodynamics and kinetics.  Some aspects of chemical synthesis will also be covered.  Includes one three hour lab per week. Usually offered in alternate years. (WRT)


CHEM 442 Instrumental Analysis with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: CHEM 241. An introduction to methods associated with and experience with major types of analytical instrumentation. Includes spectroscopy, chromatography and electrochemistry. Also covers sampling and sample preparation, signal modification and signal to noise ratios. Two lectures and two laboratories per week. Usually offered in alternate years.


CHEM 451 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 351 Biochemistry. Building from the foundational concepts covered in Biochemistry, this course covers one or more advanced topics in Biochemistry. Example topics include Biophysical chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, Pharmaceutical biochemistry, and Medicinal chemistry. May be repeated once for credit when the topic changes.


CHEM 461 Physical Chemistry II (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 241 and MATH 132. An introduction to quantum chemistry, chemical spectroscopy, and atomic and molecular structure.


CHEM 485 Research Investigations in Chemistry (2)

In this course, the student will conduct collaborative research with a faculty mentor from the chemistry department.  Students may participate in ongoing faculty research or help collaboratively design their own research topic. Six hours of lab time a week is expected.  Students will present their work to the public at the end of each term.  Repeatable for credit.


CHEM 199, 299, 399 Independent Study in Chemistry (Arr)

Prerequisite: instructor’s permission. Designed for the student who has demonstrated unusual ability in the area of chemistry. The studies will be in the current research areas of the members of the chemistry staff.


CHEM 397/497 Internship (Arr)

Prerequisite: departmental approval and instructor’s permission. An applied experience in the major, requiring a minimum number of hours of work per credit hour. Includes conferences with the on-campus instructor and an evaluation by the job supervisor. Pass/No Credit basis.


CHEM 498 Research (Arr)

Prerequisite: CHEM 461 or instructor’s permission. Intensive introduction to research. Research will be conducted in close collaboration with a member of the staff and will reflect his or her current research interests.


CHEM 498 Senior Thesis in Chemistry (2)

Prerequisite: Prior participation in a significant research experience. Students in this course will complete their senior thesis to meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Prior research in the chemistry/ biochemistry field will be needed but can include work at Central College with a faculty member or through another approved research program such as REU at another accredited institution.