EDUC – Education

EDUC 110 Foundations of Education (3)

Focuses on the development of schools in American society, and issues related to philosophy, curricula, governance, finance, law, ethics, professionalism and teaching as a career. Emphasizes active student learning and development of college level literacy and research skills. This course is required for admission to the teacher education program.


EDUC 135 Children with Exceptionalities (3)

This general survey course presents an overview of children and adolescents with exceptionalities. The special education process, characteristics of exceptionalities, and treatment options will be examined related to children experiencing learning disabilities, emotional behavior disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, physical and other health impairments. This course is required for admission to the teacher education program.  (SB, EXP)


EDUC 181 Developmental Psychology (3)

Focus is on basic theories and concepts related to physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development. While specific emphasis will be placed on children and adolescents, a lifespan perspective will be utilized including discussion and content from pre-natal development through issues associated with death and dying. This ccourse is required for admission to the teacher education program.  (SB)


EDUC 183 Pre-Admission Workshop (1)

Corequisite: Enrolled in EDUC 110, EDUC 135 or EDUC 181 or instructor approval. This workshop is required for admission to the teacher education program at Central College. Students will complete pre-entry observation hours, review the handbook requirements for the teacher education program and conclude the course by completing their application to the program. Pass/ no credit.


EDUC 210 Methods of Teaching Physical Education, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts in the Elementary Classroom (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Provides elementary teachers with the opportunity to explore creative expression, integrating the teaching of physical education, health, and wellness as well as the visual and performing arts into the elementary curriculum. Students will be required to examine and apply National Standards for physical education, music education and the visual arts to teaching methods. The theoretical, philosophical, developmental, social, and cultural foundations that support arts integration and cross-curricular applications will be examined.


EDUC 220 Language Development and Learning (4)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Focuses on understanding the development of language in the child from birth to age 12. A variety of language modes, including writing, speaking, reading, listening, and non-verbal are considered.  Students will also be able to recognize and observe differences between spoken and written language.  Particular emphasis is placed on developing communicative competence in school settings.  Field experience includes 7 hours of observation in a variety of settings.


EDUC 231 Teaching English Language Learners (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. The course is designed to support preservice teachers in designing and delivering effective instruction to English Language Learners (ELLs). Students will be introduced to models and pedagogy regarding teaching ELLs. Students will focus on differentiation and how to develop and implement effective lessons that meet the individualized needs of ELLs in the classroom. Students will gain insights into how these principles are put into action by working with English Language Learners in placements provided by the Center for Community-Based Learning. Field experiences include 15 hours of service learning. The understanding of methods and approaches to teaching ESL/EFL will be addressed throughout the course.


EDUC 237 Teaching Language Arts and Reading (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisite: EDUC 240. A process approach for developing teaching methods that integrate listening, speaking, writing and reading throughout the curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on the interactive nature of language arts and reading. Field experience of 15 hours is required.


EDUC 239 Psychology in Elementary Education (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisite: EDUC 237. Examines the fundamental concepts of learning, motivation and behavior in relation to educational practices.  The student will also examine the tools and techniques of test construction, measurement and evaluation by the teacher.


EDUC 240 Teaching, Learning and Assessment (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisites: Either EDUC 237 for elementary education or EDUC 342 and EDUC 374 for secondary and K-12 education. Examines the fundamental concepts of learning, motivation and behavior in relation to educational practices. The student will also examine the tools and techniques of test construction, measurement and evaluation by the teacher. Practicum experience of 20 hours is included for Secondary Education students.


EDUC 253 Engineering for Teachers (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. This course will introduce students to the engineering design process, where they will apply math, science, and engineering standards in hands-on projects. They will work individually and in collaborative teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software and an engineering notebook to document their work. Students will also work with programming logic and problem-solving models in a technological design focused unit.


EDUC 262 Collaboration Strategies (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Strategies for creating and maintaining communication and collaborative relationships with parents, regular classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, support personnel, and others including community resources, involved in meeting the needs of students with disabilities and their families. Skills needed to facilitate differing family systems, dynamics, and cultural expectations will be built on an appreciation of family and community difference. The collaborative and consultative roles of teachers in maximizing the student’s integration in the general curriculum, classroom, and school will be included.


EDUC 275 Health, Safety & Nutrition (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Required for the ECE/ Inclusive Endorsement #1001. The course focuses on evidence- based concepts in the fields of health, safety and nutrition and their relationship to the growth and development of the young child from birth to through third grade. Participants will learn to recognize signs of emotional distress, physical and mental abuse and neglect in young children. Additionally, participants will study learning environments and classroom procedures to promote positive social interaction, conflict resolution and self- regulation in children birth through third grade.


EDUC 311 Methods of Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School (2)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program.  Provides students with a variety of theoretical, philosophical, and practical principles that are necessary for the development of a sound, professionally grounded, and research-based curriculum for children in grades K-8. The theoretical principles will drive the design, development, and implementation of lessons plans for elementary physical education and health. Students will participate in a 20-hour clinical experiences in K-8 classrooms. Students will write and implement lessons plans and units, critique methods, and conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching.    


EDUC 312 Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary School (2)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program.  Explores the history and philosophies of art education and the developmental levels of art making.  Provides methods for teaching art that challenges children to use higher order thinking skills. Lessons will be prepared and presented to elementary art students. Students will participate in a 20-hour clinical experience in K-8 classrooms. Students will create and teach lessons and conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching.


EDUC 313 Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School (3)

Prerequisite: admission to teacher education program.    Provides students with a variety of theoretical and practical principles that are necessary for the development of the general music curriculum for K-8th grade students. The emphasis is on the presentation of musical concepts through a variety of approaches with special regard for aspects of child development.  Students will participate in a 20-hour clinical experience in K-8 classrooms. Students will write lesson plans, use appropriate teaching techniques, apply theoretical principles in the practical setting, and conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching methods.  


EDUC 314 Methods of Teaching Health and Physical Education in the Secondary School (2)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program. Provides students who intend to teach health and PE in grades 5-12 with a variety of theoretical, philosophical, and practical principles that are necessary for the development of a sound, professionally grounded, and research-based curricula and programs. Information covered includes general and specific teaching methods, justifying and designing a physical education program, developing a total program and implementing instructional activities.  Students will participate in 20 hours of clinical experience in area schools in grades 5-12. Students write and implement lessons plans and units, critique methods, and conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching.  


EDUC 315 Methods of Teaching Art in the Secondary Schools (2)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program.  Methods and strategies for teaching art to secondary students and will include readings and handouts from professional organizations about the field of art education. Students will participate in class discussions about the readings. Students will take away from this class several ways to engage students in visual thinking and strategies to carry out that task with age appropriate materials.  Responses may be required in verbal and/or written form.  A total of 20 hours of clinical experiences will be completed in the secondary art classroom, including classroom observations of secondary art students followed by experiences where students will prepare and teach lessons to secondary art classes and will conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching.  


EDUC 316 Teaching Choral and Instrumental Music in Secondary Schools (2)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program.  Provides students with the skills, techniques, and resources needed to teach choral and instrumental music in grades 5-12. Students will consider various perspectives of music philosophy and learn how these views affect teaching methods. Students will learn pedagogical approaches and techniques for individual lessons and small ensemble and large ensemble rehearsal settings.  Students will prepare for both the administrative responsibilities and musical responsibilities for directing a secondary school music program.  Students will participate in 20 hours of clinical experience in area schools in grades 5-12. Students will write and implement lessons plans and units, critique methods, and conduct self and peer evaluations of their teaching and rehearsal methods.


EDUC 320 Middle School Methods and Curriculum (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. This course is designed to assist future middle school teachers to become better informed about teaching at the middle school level. Identifies important characteristics of a quality middle school, and the curricular development in middle level education. Students will prepare interdisciplinary instructional materials.  A field experience of 15 hours in middle school sites is required.


EDUC 322 Early Adolescent Development (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. This course focuses on the developmental, social, cognitive, and personal issues that confront adolescents as they emerge from childhood and strive for adulthood. Students will examine the physical and social adjustment of the adolescent child and the relationship of the school environment to the child’s development. Lecture, class discussions, group activities, experiential exercises, videos and homework assignments will be used to meet instructional goals. Five hours of clinical experiences are embedded into this course and fulfill state of Iowa licensure requirements.


EDUC 331 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities-Elementary (3)

Pre-requisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisite EDUC 360. Fuses the characteristics of students with diverse learning needs with the demands of education. This methods and strategies course covers multiple approaches for providing curricular and instructional methodologies to educate students with mild disabilities. Ethical considerations are given to contemporary alternatives for meeting the individual needs of students who differ in degree and nature of disability in order to maximize participation and progress in the general education curriculum. Features of effective teaching and features of high-quality educational tools, including the use of assistive technology, provide a structure for exploring curriculum and approaches which maximize a student’s potential to learn. Course covers sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with mild and moderate disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to post-school settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community. A minimum of 30 hours of unique field experience targeting programs that enhance a student’s social participation in family, school, and community activities is expected and specific to the elementary endorsement.


EDUC 332 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities-Secondary (3)

Pre-requisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisite: EDUC 360. Fuses the characteristics of students with diverse learning needs with the demands of education. This methods and strategies course covers multiple approaches for providing curricular and instructional methodologies to educate students with mild disabilities. Ethical considerations are given to contemporary alternatives for meeting the individual needs of students who differ in degree and nature of disability in order to maximize participation and progress in the general education curriculum. Features of effective teaching and features of high-quality educational tools, including the use of assistive technology, provide a structure for exploring curriculum and approaches which maximize a student’s potential to learn. Course covers sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with mild and moderate disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to post-school settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community. A minimum of 30 hours of unique field experience targeting programs that enhance a student’s social participation in family, school, and community activities is expected and specific to the elementary endorsement.


EDUC 333 Science and Technology Curriculum and Methods (3)      

Prerequisites: EDU 352, EDUC 354, EDUC 374 and admission to the teacher education program.  Co-requisite of EDUC 334. This course introduces students to a wide variety of teaching methods in elementary science. Students will be exposed to sound educational philosophy, research, best practices and experiences, which can be implemented in the science classroom. A variety of student-centered instructional approaches with an emphasis on inquiry and student engagement will be presented. Meaningful integration of technology will also be stressed. This course includes a 12-hour practicum experience in an elementary classroom.  Designed for students seeking K-6 licensure.


EDUC 334 Social Studies Curriculum and Methods (3)

Prerequisites: EDUC 352, EDUC 354, EDUC 374. Co-requisite: EDUC 333. This course is designed to equip prospective elementary teachers to understand, plan, and teach social studies at the K-6 level. The course will focus on unpacking and prioritizing social studies content, identifying and implementing appropriate instructional strategies, and planning assessment that measures students’ progress toward standards-based learning targets. The course focuses on evidence-based practices and sound pedagogical philosophy and practice. Throughout the course, students will be asked to wrestle with the problems, trends, threats, and most notably, the importance of social studies education and its connections in helping teachers meet the standards of the Common Core State Standards. This course includes a 12- hour Practicum Experience in an elementary classroom. This is designed for students seeking K-6 licensure.


EDUC 340 Learning and Assessment in Secondary Education (3)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisites: EDUC 342 and EDUC 375. Examines the fundamental concepts of learning, motivation and behavior modification in relation to education practices.  The student will also examine the tools and techniques of test construction, measurement and evaluation by the teacher.  Practicum experience of 20 hours is included.


EDUC 342 Reading in the Content Area–Secondary (1)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Co- requisites: EDUC 340 and EDUC 375.  Reading in the secondary classroom differs significantly from reading instruction in the elementary school. It is generally assumed that the basic skills of learning how to read are acquired in the elementary grades. It cannot be assumed, however, that students at the secondary level will automatically make the transition from reading elementary texts to successful completion of the complex demands of reading and learning in the content area. It is the purpose of this course to help secondary level teacher-in-training acquire knowledge of skills and strategies that will help enable all of their students to be more successful at learning in the content areas.


EDUC 344 IEPs, Assessment, and Evaluation (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Teaches the legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures of individuals with disabilities.  Students will participate in the application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Additionally, students will gain knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment for various disabling conditions.


EDUC 345 Human Relations (3)

Prerequisite: CIV 210 and admission to the teacher education program.  Examines issues in education related to culture, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and linguistic diversity. Intended to increase knowledge of and sensitivity to the diverse groups that make up the student population in schools today. A semester- long (15 hour) service learning experience provides opportunities to relate knowledgeably, respectfully, and sensitively to students from ethically-diverse backgrounds. (GPC, WRT, CTN, WOC)


EDUC 352 Teaching of Reading (3)

Prerequisites: EUDC 237, EDUC 239 and admission to the teacher education program.  Co- requisites: EDUC 354 and EDUC 374. A study of elementary school reading instruction that is defined as integrating theories of learning, language, and literacy. Methods and material for a comprehensive reading program, techniques of assessment and recent research are examined and evaluated.  An introductory focus also includes literacy difficulties including, but not limited to, dyslexia. Practicum experience of 10 hours is included.


EDUC 354 Teaching of Mathematics (3)

Prerequisites: EDUC 237, EDUC 239 and admission to the teacher education program. Co- requisites: EUDC 352 and EDUC 374.  Presents methods and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics. Conceptually oriented, the course involves actively doing math, emphasizes development of math thinking and reasoning skills, math applications, pedagogy, and a broad range of content. Practicum experience of 10 hours is included.


EDUC 356 STEM Curriculum and Methods (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDUC 352, EDUC 354 EDUC 374. This course will teach students to effectively integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content into their daily instruction. The course will allow students to explore STEM and STEAM curriculum and pedagogy from a variety of best-practice programs. They will design, develop, and facilitate a STEM based learning experience for children ages 3-13 in an academic setting.


EDUC 360 Instructional Strategies I: Behavior Modification (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program; Co-requisite: EDUC 331 or EDUC 332. Teaches non-aversive approaches to individual behavioral issues, specially designed instructional techniques addressing academic areas, and the evaluation and instruction in skills which maximize the development of cognitive, academic, social, language, and functional abilities for students are addressed.


EDUC 374 Behavior and Classroom Management (3)

Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisites: either EDUC 352 and EDUC 354 for elementary majors or EDUC 240 and EDUC 342 for secondary majors. Focuses on strategies in behavior and classroom management including applied behavioral analysis, for working with groups and individuals on academic, behavioral, or social skills. Addresses classroom management strategies appropriate for all children, including those with special educational needs.


EDUC 375 Behavior and Classroom Management-Secondary and K-12 (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program.  Co-requisites of EDUC 340 and EDUC 342. Focuses on strategies in behavior and classroom management. Addresses classroom management strategies appropriate for all children, including those with special educational needs.


EDUC 383 Field Experience in Special Education (1)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program and instructor’s permission. This experience is designed as an introduction to working with children with an individualized education program. The primary focus is on service delivery models and instructional methods unique to those in special education. This 30-hour field experience may be completed up to three times in different settings. Pass/No Credit basis.


EDUC 384 Field Experience in Secondary Education (1)

Prerequisites: EDUC 240, EDUC 342, EDUC 374 and admission to the teacher education program. Co-requisites: EDUC 450 and EDUC 451 for secondary education. Students will explore classroom observation techniques and basic theories of communication, tutoring, and planning. A 30-hour field experience is required and provides a broad application overview of the planning and teaching processes in secondary schools. Designed for students seeking secondary teacher licensure. Pass/No Credit basis.


EDUC 392 ESL Practicum (Arr)

Prerequisite: ENGL 360 and instructor’s permission. The ESL practicum is a pre-student teaching experience of observation, teaching and reflection on teaching English as a second language in the public-school setting. The course requires 45 contact hours divided between both the primary and secondary levels, as well as group and individual discussion and research.


EDUC 397 Central Teacher Academy Internship (1)

Prerequisite:  instructor permission.  Participants in the Central Teacher Academy collaborate with a mentor teacher 2-3 hours/week to provide instructional services to students in the Pella community.  Participants also engage in a variety of professional development activities sponsored by Central College and their school placements.  This course may be repeated up to 5 times.


EDUC 397 Experiential STEM Internship (1)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Prerequisite or co-requisite of EDUC 356. This course will include an internship experience involving STEM, with a minimum of 30 contact hours for the internship. Students will experience STEM in an authentic environment through participation of this internship with the goal of being better able to provide an authentic experience for K-8 students as a STEM teacher.


EDUC 397 Internship: Teaching ESL (Arr)

Prerequisite: ENGL 360 and permission of instructor. Students gain experience teaching English to non-native speakers of the language. The supervising instructor must approve the internship site and student population. This course is not intended as a practicum for teaching licensure.


EDUC 420 Early Childhood Education I: Curriculum, Assessment & Methods (4)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. This course is required for the ECE/ Inclusive Endorsement #1001. This course focuses on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through eight. Students prepare to utilize developmentally appropriate practices in a context of family and culturally sensitive care. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions, and environments in the following areas: dramatic play, art, music, fine and gross motor play. Students will be exposed to early childhood theories, child development, current research and curriculum standards, assessments and outcomes in designing environments. Students will participate in a 30-hour clinical experience.


EDUC 421 Early Childhood Education II: Curriculum, Assessment & Methods (4)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. This course is required for the ECE/ Inclusive Endorsement #1001. This course focuses on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through eight. Students prepare to utilize developmentally appropriate practices in a context of family and culturally sensitive care. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions, and environments in the following areas: emergent literacy, math, science, technology, and social studies. Students will be exposed to early childhood theories, child development, current research and curriculum and assessment standards and outcomes in designing environments. Students will participate in a 30-hour clinical experience.


EDUC 425 Transitional/Vocational Collaboration for the Student with Special Education Needs (1)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Covers sources of services, organizations, and networks, including career, vocational and transitional support to post-school settings, for individuals with mild and moderate disabilities, to maximize opportunities for decision-making and full participation in the community.


EDUC 430 Early Childhood Education III: Administration, Supervision & Collaboration (4)

Prerequisite: EDUC 420, EDUC 421. This course is required for the ECE/ Inclusive Endorsement #1001. This course focuses on the fundamental aspects and principles involved in setting up and administering an early childhood program. Emphasis will be on licensing regulations, bookkeeping, insurance enrollment, record keeping, verification preparation, training and supervision of employees, facility planning and maintenance and quality programming and improvement strategies. Curricular leadership, selection of materials and equipment, and curricular implementation are also embedded. Students will participate in a 30 hour clinical experience.


EDUC 438 Reading Clinic and Field Experience (6)

Prerequisite: EDUC 352, EDUC 354, EDUC 375 and admission to the TEACH education program. Provides instruction tailored specifically to meet the needs of the individual child. The course includes the study of methods, materials, and assessment for providing meaningful reading instruction for students at all levels of reading ability, with specific attention to students with reading difficulties, such as, but not limited to, dyslexia.  Clinical field experience of 45 hours is required.


EDUC 444 Literacy Strategies for Content Area Reading (3)

Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program.  Examines strategies for integrating literacy in the content areas.  A 15-hour middle school practicum experience provides opportunities to embed strategies in the classroom curriculum and instruction to enhance students’ abilities to learn content knowledge and disciplinary literacy.