
SPAN – Spanish course descriptions


Mary Stark (chair), Timothy Johnson, Kathy Korcheck, Allison Krogstad, Óscar Reynaga


Statement of philosophy

The Spanish program faculty believes that intercultural understanding and appreciation should be a fundamental part of a student’s education, and the ability to communicate (listen, speak, read and write) in another language is essential  for attaining intercultural understanding.  Students must learn what members of other cultures consider worth talking about: their historical, artistic and literary heritage; their contemporary political, social and economic problems; and their basic customs and values. Students must also gain an understanding of their own cultural perspective. Spanish course offerings are intended to build communication skills and insight into important topics of culture. All courses aim to increase language proficiency and cultural awareness as well as to prepare students for an extended off-campus immersion in a culture where the target language is spoken.


Study abroad opportunities

All Spanish majors are required to participate in an approve study abroad program. Before departure, students should review with their advisor those courses offered abroad that can be used to meet major requirements. Students seeking a minor in the department are encouraged to study abroad as well.


Teaching licensure

Students seeking teaching licensure must secure information from the department of Language, Literature, and Communication and the department of education concerning departmental and state requirements.


Foreign language credit by proficiency

For information on earning credit by proficiency in a foreign language, please see the “Credit by Proficiency” section of this catalog.

Spanish Major Requirements (minimum 32 credits)

(Note: A student may have to complete 4-20 hours of prerequisites before starting SPAN 322 or 324, depending on the level into which the student places.) 

  1. Complete at least one of the following:
    SPAN   322       Advanced Spanish II (4)
    SPAN   324       Spanish for Heritage Learners (4)
  1. SPAN 323 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3) 
  1. Complete a minimum of 24 additional hours/ credits of courses taught in Spanish at the 300 or 400- levels (on-campus courses and/ or courses taken abroad). 
  1. SPAN 488 Senior Capstone Project (1) 
  1. Participation in a study abroad program approved by the Spanish faculty. 
  1. All courses must be conducted in Spanish.


Spanish Minor Requirements (minimum of 7 credits)

(Note: A student may have to complete 4-20 hours of prerequisites before starting SPAN 322 or 324, depending on the level into which the student places.) 

  1. Complete at least one of the following:
    SPAN   322      Advanced Spanish II (4)
    SPAN   324      Spanish for Heritage Learners (4)
  1. Complete at least one of the following:
    SPAN   323       Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3)
    SPAN   325       Spanish Conversation Through Film (4)