ENGR – Engineering

ENGR 111 Engineering Graphics (2)

Prerequisite: MATH 131 and PHYS 111 each with a grade of “C” or better. Introduction to engineering design graphics, 3-dimensional visualization, and spatial reasoning. Topics include descriptive geometry, engineering drawing conventions, dimensioning and tolerance specification, parametric and feature-based solid modeling, and assembly design. Emphasizes the use of CAD (SolidWorks) as the major graphics and design tool.


ENGR 112 MATLAB for Engineers (2)

Prerequisites: MATH 132 and PHYS 112 each with a grade of “C” or better. Introduction to solving engineering problems using the MATLAB and basic concepts in programming. Students are expected to learn basic operations of MATLAB, various data types and ways to manipulate them, building functions and loops, data input and output, and visualization of data. The course is taught with an emphasis on engineering applications.


ENGR 211 Statics (3)

Prerequisites: MATH 132 and PHYS 111 each with a grade of “C” or better. Principles of force and moment balance are applied to systems in static equilibrium. Students are introduced to the concepts of free-body diagrams and equivalent systems of forces, moments, analysis of simple structures (e.g., trusses, frames), internal forces and stresses.


ENGR 212 Dynamics (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 231 and ENGR 211 each with a grade of “C” or better. Application of classical mechanics to engineering problems of motion and acceleration. Topics include kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies.


ENGR 213 Strength of Materials (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 231 and ENGR 211 each with a grade of “C” or better. Stress and deformation analysis of materials and solid structures under a variety of load conditions. Topics include stress and strain definitions, uniaxial loading, linear elasticity, material behaviors, bending of beams, torsion of circular shafts, and thin-walled tubes.


ENGR 214 Engineering Materials with Lab (3)

Prerequisite: CHEM 111 and ENGR 213 each with a grade of “C” or better. Atomic structure, bonding, and crystal structure of solids. Mechanical and physical properties of solids mechanical and physical tests, phase equilibria, and processing of solids. Strengthening methods, principles of material selection, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, polymers, and ceramic composites. Three hours of lab per week.


ENGR 221 Electrical Circuits (3)

Prerequisites: MATH 132 and PHYS 112 each with a grade of “C” or better. The course covers principles of linear circuit analysis and problem-solving techniques associated with circuits containing both passive and active components. Students are introduced to DC circuit analysis, AC circuit analysis, and transient circuit analysis.


ENGR 222 Electronic Devices with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: ENGR 221 and PHYS 225 each with a grade of “C” or better. Introduces the mechanisms and principles of operation of major electronic devices: operational amplifiers, diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field-effect transistors. Covers the terminal characteristics of the devices, volt-ampere curves, small and large signal equivalent circuit models, and basic single stage amplifier configurations. Three hours of lab per week.


ENGR 311 Thermodynamics (3)

Prerequisites: MATH 132 and PHYS 112 each with a grade of “C” or better. An introduction to classical thermodynamics. Fundamental concepts based on zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics. State descriptions of pure substances and mixtures. Control volume analysis and conservation principles applied to systems with respect to mass, energy, and entropy with applications to power, refrigeration, chemically reacting and other energy conversion systems.


ENGR 312 Fluid Mechanics (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 231, MATH 250 and ENGR 212 each with a grade of “C” or better. An introductory course in fluid mechanics. Fundamental concepts include continuity, momentum, and energy relations. Control volume analysis and differential formulations. Internal and external flows in laminar and turbulent regimes. One dimensional compressible flows.


ENGR 313 Theory of Machines (3)

Prerequisites: ENGR 212 and ENGR 213 each with a grade of “C” or better. Analysis and synthesis of mechanisms using graphical and analytical techniques. Applications include cams, gears, and linkages such as four-bar, slider-crank, and quick-return mechanisms. Gear train specification and force analysis. Position, velocity, and acceleration analysis and mechanical advantage of a wide variety of linkage systems.


ENGR 314 Heat Transfer with Lab (4)

Prerequisites: ENGR 214, ENGR 311 and ENGR 312 each with a grade of “C” or better. Examines fundamentals of conduction, convection, and thermal radiation energy transfer. Conduction of heat in steady and unsteady state. Principles of boundary layer theory applicable to free and forced convection heat transfer for internal and external flows. Radiation analysis with and without convection and conduction. Three hours of lab per week investigating thermo-fluids phenomena.


ENGR 321 Electromagnetism (3)

Prerequisites: PHYS 215 and PHYS 216 each with a grade of “C” or better. Examines electrostatics, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, polarization, permittivity, electric energy, and capacitance. Magnetostatics, the Lorentz force law, the Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, magnetization, permeability and constitutive relations, magnetic energy, and inductance. Introductory Maxwell’s equations. Transmission lines, voltage and current waves, wave impedance, reflection, SWR, and the Smith chart.


ENGR 322 Signals and Systems with Lab (4)

Prerequisites: MATH 250, ENGR 112 and ENGR 222 each with a grade of “C” or better. An introduction to the framework associated with the analysis of linear systems. Continuous and discrete time signals, signal manipulations, signal representation by orthogonal functions, impulse response, convolution, Fourier and Laplace analysis, and frequency response of circuits and systems. Three hours of lab per week.


ENGR 411 Dynamic Systems and Control with Lab (3)

Prerequisites: ENGR 313, ENGR 322 and PHYS 216 each with a grade of “C” or better. Fundamentals of dynamic system analysis and control systems. Topics include system modeling and representation, system time and frequency response, system stability, open loop and closed loop systems, PID controllers, control design using root-locus, frequency response, and state space analysis. Three hours of lab per week. 


ENGR 421 Digital Control Systems (3)

Prerequisites: ENGR 313, ENGR 321 and ENGR 322 each with a grade of “C” or better. Study and analysis of digital control systems. Topics include system interfacing and data acquisition, study of different types of actuators and sensors, development of circuits for automation, and controller design for digital systems.


ENGR 430 Senior Engineering Elective (3)

Prerequisite or co-requisite: ENGR 485. Study of advanced engineering topics with emphasis on engineering design. May be repeated with different topics.


ENGR 485 Capstone Design I (1)

Prerequisites: ENGR 111, ENGR 313, ENGR 314 and ENGR 322 each with a grade of “C” or better. This is the first course in a two-course sequence in design and gives senior engineering majors an opportunity to complete a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in engineering course work. Student groups will work on projects with industry mentors to identify a real-world engineering problem and devise its solution incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. Students will analyze the problem and perform design, implementation and evaluation of their solution. Students will work as a team and report their progress and results.


ENGR 486 Capstone Design II (3)

Prerequisites: ENGR 411, ENGR 421, and ENGR 485 each with a grade of “C” or better.  Continuation of Capstone Design I. The objective of Capstone Design II is to provide Engineering students with an opportunity to further refine design skills developed during Capstone Design I and conclude the design project started in the fall semester.