Global Sustainability


Anya Butt, Paul Weihe


Statement of Philosophy:

Global sustainability is meeting the needs of Earth’s living generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainability education emphasizes the interconnectedness of ecological, political, economic, socio-cultural, and moral-ethical systems. Global sustainability education promotes active learning, trans-disciplinary integration, and synthesis of concepts, theories, and methods of inquiry, along with development of practical problem-solving skills.

Sustainability education helps students acquire and apply heightened knowledge of significant intergenerational issues and problems and solutions by raising awareness and understanding of how their personal and collective actions affect the sustainability of local and global systems.  Many problems are global in scope, transcending national boundaries and requiring global solutions. Complex underlying local, national, and international political and economic institutions and processes structure and manage the research, policy debates, and international negotiations aimed at reaching agreements and finding ways to implement solutions for the problems themselves.

This integrative program is designed to offer all students, regardless of major or career aspirations, a means of acquiring some of the tools and practical experience they will need when they enter the work force, assume leadership positions in their communities, and deal with complex, interconnected problems on a scale never faced by humans.

The Global Sustainability minor is one component of Central’s commitment to becoming a leader in sustainability education, along with the Environmental Studies program.  Both programs focus on addressing global issues that arise due to the scarcity of resources on our earth and the subsequent efforts by humanity to balance our needs with those of the future generations, and thus work in concert with one another.

Minor restrictions

Due to the commonalities in courses and focus between the Global Sustainability minor and the Environmental Studies program, students are not allowed to declare major/minors in both programs.


Global Sustainability Minor Requirements (21-23 credits)

  1. Complete both of the following: (8 credits)
    ENVS   120       Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab (4)
    POLS   242       Global Sustainability Politics (4)
  2. Complete an approved 283 or 383 Service-Learning Module course, approved campus or community-based sustainability service project, internship, or supervised independent research project (1-3 credits)
  3. Complete at least 12 credits from the approved lists of electives with at least 3 credits from each category and a minimum of 3 credits at the 300 level or above:Ecological Systems Integrity (Complete at least 3 credits of the following):
    BIOL    118        Environmental Problems and Midwest Ecosystems with Lab (4)
    BIOL    229        Ecology and Evolution with Lab (4)
    BIOL    310        Tropical Ecology (1-4)
    BIOL    315        Aquatic Toxicology with Lab (4)
    BIOL    345        Limnology with Lab (4)
    CHEM  107       Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (3)
    CHEM  372       Environmental Chemistry with Lab (3)
    EDUC   275       Health, Safety and Nutrition (3)
    ENVS    125      Geology and the Environment with Lab (3)
    KIN       215       Introduction to Angling (3)
    KIN       261       Community, Consumer and Global Health (3)
    GEOG   210       Human Geography (4)
    GEOG   320       Principles of GIS with Lab (3)
    LAS       410       HIV and the AIDS Pandemic (4)
    NASC    105       Science, Technology and Literature (3)
    PHYS    204       Energy and Environment (3) (not offered regularly)

    Ethical, Social and Cultural Integrity (Complete at least 3 credits. of the following):
    ANTH    266       First Peoples of North America (3)
    COMM  268        Intercultural Communication (3)
    GEOG    215       Introduction to International Studies (3)
    ENGL    213        Literature, Environment, and Ecology (3)
    ENGL    246        Writing for Non-Profit Organizations (4)
    ENGL    270        Illness and Health in Literature (4)
    SOC       325        Social Movements (3)


    Political and Economic Systems Equity (Complete at least 3 credits of the following):
    BEHS     285        Not-for-Profit Seminar (1)
    BMGT    335         Not-for-Profit Management (3)
    ECON     321         Environmental Economics (3)
    ECON     329        Economic Development (3)
    GERM    362        Germany and the Environment (3)
    POLS      140        Introduction to International Politics (4)
    POLS      233        American Environmental Politics and Policy (4)
    POLS      241         International Political Economy (4)
    POLS      344         International Law and Human Rights (4)
    POLS      397         State and Local Environmental Project Review Internship (3)
    SOC        335         Globalization & Development (4)


  • Students planning to major or minor in Environmental Studies may not minor in Global Sustainability
  • Students interested in Global Sustainability are encouraged to explore Environmental Studies
  • Students completing this minor are strongly encouraged to choose an LAS capstone course related to their particular areas of interest within the minor
  • Study abroad courses may apply as electives with permission from the director(s)