Music Education

MUS – Music course descriptions
MUSG – Music (groups/ensembles) course descriptions
MUSL – Music lesson course descriptions


Mathew Kelly (chair), Mark Babcock, Stan Dahl, Brad Lampe, Sean Stephenson, Sarah Van Waardhuizen

Statement of philosophy

The Bachelor of Arts in Music Education is designed to prepare students for careers as music educators at the elementary and/or secondary level within the context of a comprehensive liberal arts program. Proceeding from a solid foundation in the analytical, historical, cultural and creative aspects of music, course requirements in this program are tailored to the specific needs of potential educators in the two tracks offered (vocal and instrumental). Recognizing the value of study in other cultures, the department works with music education majors to make study at one of Central’s study abroad programs possible for them.

The Visual and Performing Arts Department stresses academic integrity in all aspects of the music curriculum. The department is committed to the development of students and to the recruitment of students with strong academic potential. To be accepted for entry to the music education major, each student must pass an audition to indicate aptitude and prospects for success including competence in at least one major performance area. The student must additionally apply and be accepted to the teacher education program through Central’s Education Department.


Music education tracks

The Department of Music offers two distinct tracks in music education: instrumental music education (combined K-8/5-12), and vocal music education (combined K-8/5-12). Both tracks have a common set of 29 credits of music courses and various competency and performance requirements. The common set is listed below, followed by the additional requirements for each track.

In addition to the 60 credits of music courses listed in this section, music education majors must complete all the courses for secondary licensure listed in the “Education–K-12 Art, Music, PE” section of the catalog. These courses, together with the required music courses, fulfill the coursework requirements for teaching licensure in the state of Iowa.


Study abroad opportunities

Students are encouraged to study abroad. Music faculty advisors work carefully with music majors to coordinate departmental requirements with study abroad.


Major Communication Skills

In order to be certified for graduation, a music major must show competency in reading, writing and speaking. A communication skills endorsement from the music program indicates students have achieved college level mastery in written skills, verbal skills, and musicianship. Communication skills will be assessed using pre-determined rubric tools in the following areas of the major: MUS 211, MUS 312, and the Senior Recital.   


Major restrictions

Music Education majors cannot also declare a major or minor in Music. Additionally, a Music Education–Vocal major cannot also declare a major in Music Education–Instrumental, and a Music Education–Instrumental major cannot also declare a major in Music Education–Vocal.


Music Education Major- Instrumental (55.5 credits)

NOTE: Students who declare the Music Education-Instrumental track may not also declare the Music Education-Vocal track.

  1. Complete all of the following: (25 credits)
    MUS     114       World Music (3)

    MUS     120       Theory and Aural Skills I (4)
    MUS     125       Theory and Aural Skills II (4)
    MUS     211       History of Western Music: Antiquity to 1750 (3)
    MUS     215       Piano for Proficiency I (1)
    MUS     216       Piano for Proficiency II (1)   
    MUS     220       Theory and Aural Skills III (4)
    MUS     231       Conducting (2)
    MUS     312       History of Western Music: Pre-Classical to 1940 (3)
    MUS     488       Senior Recital (0)


  1. Complete all of the following: (18 credits)
    EDUC    313       Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School (3)

    EDUC    316       Teaching Choral and Instrumental Music in Secondary Schools (2)
    MUS      150       Introduction to Music Education (1)
    MUS      249       Instrumental Methods: Percussion and Strings (2)
    MUS      251        Instrumental Methods: Brass and Woodwinds (2)
    MUS      255       Voice for Instrumental Music Majors (2)
    MUS      258       Marching and Jazz Band Techniques (2)
    MUS      332       Advanced Conducting (4)


  1. Piano Proficiency: Music Education majors must pass MUS 215 and 216 with a C+ or better. A grade of C or lower in either (or both) courses requires a student to complete at least one additional semester of applied piano. Failed courses must be repeated. 
  1. Complete 10 credits of applied lessons (MUSL) in the primary area of music study

  2. Complete 2.5 credits of music (MUS/MUSG/MUSL) electives
  1. Maintain continuous enrollment in a primary ensemble (MUSG).
    Note: Primary ensembles are MUSG 222 (vocal), 223 (instrumental), 224 (string players only). Piano majors: any of the above, with approval from the department.

  2. Present a senior recital of one-half hour in the student’s primary area of applied music study (or other approved significant senior project) 
  1. Students will receive chamber music experience either by enrolling in an approved chamber music ensemble or with an approved chamber music component in the senior recital.



Music Education Major- Vocal (56.5 credits)

NOTE: Students who declare the Music Education-Vocal track may not also declare the Music Education-Instrumental track.

  1. Complete all of the following: (25 credits)
    MUS           114       World Music (3)

    MUS           120       Theory and Aural Skills I (4)
    MUS           125       Theory and Aural Skills II (4)
    MUS           211       History of Western Music: Antiquity to 1750 (3)
    MUS           215       Piano for Proficiency I (1)
    MUS           216       Piano for Proficiency II (1)
    MUS           220       Theory and Aural Skills III (4)
    MUS           231       Conducting (2)
    MUS           312       History of Western Music: Pre-Classical to 1940 (3)
    MUS           488       Senior Recital (0)
  1. Complete all of the following: (19 credits)
    EDUC         313       Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School (3)  

    EDUC         316       Teaching Choral and Instrumental Music in Secondary Schools (2)  
    MUS           149       Instrumental Methods: Percussion and Strings (1) 
    MUS           150       Introduction to Music Education (1)  
    MUS           151       Instrumental Methods: Brass and Woodwinds (1) 
    MUS           228       Diction for Singers (2)  
    MUS           236       Show Choir and Jazz Choir Techniques (2)  
    MUS           332       Advanced Conducting (4) 
    MUS           341        Vocal Pedagogy (3)   
  1. Complete 10 credits of applied lessons (MUSL) in the primary area of music study 
  2. Complete 2.5 credits of music (MUS/MUSG/MUSL) electives. 
  3. Maintain continuous enrollment in a primary ensemble (MUSG).
    Note: Primary ensembles are MUSG 222 (vocal), 223 (instrumental), 224 (string players only). Piano majors: any of the above, with approval from the department.

  4.  Present a senior recital of one-half hour in the student’s primary area of applied music study (or other approved significant senior project)Piano Proficiency: Music Education majors must pass MUS 215 and 216 with a C+ or better. A grade of C or lower in either, or both, courses require a student to complete at least one additional semester of applied piano. Failed courses must be repeated.