REL – Religious Studies

REL 110 Old Testament History and Religion (3)

Examines the Old Testament (in Judaism, the Hebrew Bible) through a close and careful study of it rhetorical art in order to elucidate the theological, moral, and political teachings of these canonical books. Reflects on its significance for the cultural and spiritual heritage of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and its implications for modern life and culture. (REL, EXP)


REL 111 Introduction to the New Testament (3)

A study of the New Testament within its literary, cultural and canonical context in order to understand its central theological teachings. Reflects on the use of the New Testament in respect to its place in the life of the Church and of a criticism of contemporary theological-political and moral topics. (REL, EXP)


REL 135 Islam (3)

General introduction to Islam dealing with three main topics: (a) the life of Muhammad and the origins of Islam; (b) the diversity of Muslim religious beliefs and cultural forms throughout Islamic history to the present; (c) an introduction to Islamic texts, including the Qur’an, legal interpretation, theology, and philosophy, especially in Classical or Medieval period. (REL, GPN, EXP)


REL 150 The Christian Heritage (3)

The Christian Heritage introduces students to Christian thought in its historical development. The course examines various historical contexts, from Late Antiquity to the present, and explores their distinct influences on the shaping of the Christina faith. While focusing on the historical particulars of Christian thought, the course locates the universal elements shared by different Christian traditions. (REL, EXP)


REL 210 The Prophets (3)

Studies selected passages and books from the second Division of the Old Testament (in Judaism, the Hebrew Bible), canon which consists of Joshua through II Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Minor Prophets. The course explores the meaning of prophetic knowledge in Christianity and Judaism and the consequence of this knowledge today. (REL, WRT, EXP)


REL 211 The Writings (3)

Studies selected passages from the third division of the Old Testament (Tanakh in Judaism), consisting of the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and I and II Chronicles. Through careful study of selected texts, the course explores the purposes of this diverse material for an understanding of Biblical history and religion. (REL, WRT)


REL 216 Jesus and the Gospels (3)

Studies the life and teachings of Jesus according to the depictions of the four Evangelists in the canonical Gospels of the New Testament. Through a close and careful reading, we examine how the rhetorical arts assist in our understaning of the teaching of the Gospels. Explores the significance of these Gospels for the Church today and for contemporary life. (REL, EXP)


REL 218 Pauline Epistles (3)

Examines the epistles of the apostle Paul in their historical and religious contexts. Among the topics treated are: the “historical” Paul, to the extent that this can be constructed from the available sources, the structure and theology of the Pauline and deutero-Pauline epistles, the influence and image of Paul in early Christianity, and contemporary controversies and issues in the study of Paul. (REL)


REL 220 Christian Worship (3)

Introduces the student to the origins and history of Christian worship from the Old Testament period to the present. Examines various aspects of worship, including orders of service, church architecture and music, reflecting on their historical and theological dimensions. Includes field trips to observe religious services. (REL, WRT)


REL 233 Judaism (3)

Studies the history and teachings of Judaism from its formative texts in the Mosaic Law and in the Targums and Talmuds of the Rabbinical schools through to the Medieval and Modern periods. The emphasis is on primary texts of the Classical tradition as well as writers such as Saadya Gaon and Maimonides. Students will be introduced to modern variations within Judaism, including the formation of Zionism. (REL)


REL 236 Islamic Law, Theology, and Philosophy (3)

Studies the religion of Islam from its beginnings to modern times with particular interest in the emergence of traditions of law, theology, and philosophy. Explores the religious, political, scientific, and philosophical aspects of the formative texts and thinkers of medieval Islam as a context for understanding the relation of Islamic political philosophy to recent politics. (REL, GPN, EXP)


REL 238 Taoism and Confucianism (4)

Prerequisite: CIV 210. The course focuses on the religious and philosophical aspects of Taoism and Confucianism. Attention is also given to the variety of cultural and moral practices that have developed throughout the history of these two streams of thought. Key primary texts to be examined include, but are not limited to, the Too Te Ching and the Analects. The course seeks to foster knowledge and appreciation of the ideas and practices of Taoism and Confucianism. While students are provided with opportunities to see their own “otherness” in the context of studying “the other”, they are also encouraged to make connections between class material and their lives. (REL, GPN, WRT, WOC)


REL 252 The Reformation (3)

Studies the religious movements in 16th-century Europe that shaped modern Protestantism and Catholicism. Religious ideas will be examined in relation to their political, social and intellectual setting, as well as to the broader Christian tradition. (REL)


REL 254 The Early Church (4)

Prerequisite: CIV 210. The course studies the period of the first five centuries as formative for Christian self-understanding and mission. The course explores the diversity of early Christian thought and practice by situating the fledgling church in the religious, cultural, social, and political context of the Roman empire. The Early Church also examines some of the principal challenges to the identify and unity of ancient Christian communities and the ways in which early Christians dealt with those challenges. (REL, WRT, WOC)


REL 265 Religion and Sustainability (3)

Examines how religious worldviews and practices can be both promising and problematic in meeting the challenge of sustainability. The course introduces key concepts and methods in the academic study of religion and sustainability, applying these to case studies representing a diversity of local and global religious cultures, and a variety of sustainability issues. Students in the course will have opportunities to engage with these issues through readings and discussions, independent research projects, and ethnographies of religious communities. (REL, GS)


REL 274 World Christianity (4)

Examines the encounters of the church with new cultures and civilizations, especially during critical periods of expansion and adaptation. Considers issues faced by contemporary Christianity in non-Western settings: missions, relations with indigenous religions, inculturation, religious pluralism, and political participation. (REL, GPN, WRT, EXP)


REL 285 The Pre-Ministerial Seminar (Arr)

Prerequisite: one course in religion at the 100-level and instructor’s permission. An introduction to the pre-ministerial program will be taught and coordinated by the director. The seminar is designed to introduce students to the wide variety of types of ministry and is taught by people working as professionals in the various fields of ministry.


REL 310 Readings in The Prophets (4)

Prerequisite: CIV 210 and instructor’s permission. Offered jointly with REL 210 and covering the same topics, but with some separate assignments, sessions and expectations for advanced discussion and research. Students cannot receive credit for both REL 210 and REL 310. (REL, WRT, WOC)


REL 316 Readings in Jesus and the Gospels (4)

Prerequisite: instructor’s permission. Offered jointly with REL 216 and covering the same topics, but with some separate assignments, session and expectations for advanced discussion and research. Students cannot receive credit for both REL 216 and REL 316. (REL)


REL 320 Nature, Science, Theology, and Political Philosophy (4)

Prerequisite: CIV 210. Studies the history of science from Classical Greek Philosophy through the great changes of the seventeenth century to the modern context, and especially in the critiques of Classical Philosophy and Science by German idealism, positivism, existentialism, and postmodernism. Special attention is paid to prophetic religion and to the theme of citizenship. (CTN, WOC)


REL 325 History of Spirituality in the Christian Tradition (4)

Prerequisite: CIV 210. History of Spirituality in the Christian Tradition examines Christian spirituality in historical perspective. The course studies the development of Christian spirituality over time and considers how works of Christian spirituality were created and what influences shaped their creation. REL 325 also explores the study of spirituality as a discipline with a distinct body of forms, texts, and topics, with its own schools and forms of transmission. (REL, WRT, GPN, WOC, CTN)


REL 335 Readings in Islam (4)

Prerequisite: instructor’s permission. Offered jointly with REL 135 and covering the same topics, but with some separate assignments, sessions and expectations for advanced discussion and research. Students cannot receive credit for both REL 135 and REL 335. (REL, GPN, WRT)


REL 336 Readings in Islamic Law, Theology, and Philosophy (4)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission.  Offered jointly with REL 236 and covering the same topics, but with some separate assignments, sessions, and expectations for advanced discussion and research.  Students cannot receive credit for both REL 236 and REL 336. (REL, GPN, WRT)


REL 390 Topics in Religious Studies (Arr)

Varying topics determined by the interests of students and the staff. May be repeated for credit.


REL 397 The Ministry Internship (Arr)

Prerequisite: two courses in religion with at least one at the 200-300 level and instructor’s permission. The ministry internship is a supervised work experience that exposes the student to some aspect of ministry. Ideally it occurs in the summer between the third and fourth years, or perhaps a weekend assignment during a semester. The internship gives the student on-the-job experience in the area of service interest, under the supervision of an established minister, who works closely with the preministerial program director on campus. Pass/No Credit basis.


REL 497 Internship in Religion (Arr)

Prerequisite: instructor’s permission. The internship provides an opportunity for the student to explore a career option in the major field of study. Pass/No Credit basis.