Computer Science

COSC – Computer Science course descriptions


Wendy Weber (chair), Stephen Fyfe, Erik Insko, Michael Thompson

Statement of philosophy

Are you interested in learning to write software to solve problems or analyze data? Central College offers a broad range of computer science courses where students gain experience working with programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and PHP, to become application developers, system administrators, data analysts, web programmers and software engineers. Students majoring in computer science choose either a traditional track or an emphasis in data science, depending on their interest.

No previous computing experience is required before beginning the computer science program.  The major is designed to be flexible, facilitating study abroad, internships, and second majors, or minors.  Introductory courses in Python and Java lay the foundation for a software design course in the second year.  After taking these courses, students are prepared for a variety of upper-level courses and in their chosen track. The senior year culminates in a project of the student’s choice.

Major Communication Skills

Students majoring in computer science will develop their ability to speak, listen, read, and write technical material throughout the major curriculum.  If a student’s progress is insufficient, additional coursework in writing or speaking may be recommended by the academic advisor.  Final development and evaluation of communication skills will occur in the capstone senior project course, COSC-420.

Major/minor restrictions

Students who declare computer science as their major or minor may not declare an information systems major with an emphasis in computer information systems. Students who declare a computer science major with a data science emphasis may not declare a mathematics major with a data science emphasis. Students seeking a teaching endorsement should consult the education department.


Computer Science Major Requirements (42- 46 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following (25 credits):
    COSC    110        Introduction to Computer Science (3)

    COSC    130       Data Structures (3)
    COSC    220       Software Design (4)
    COSC    245       Computer Organization and Architecture (4)
    COSC    420       Senior Project (4)
    MATH     220       Discrete Mathematics (3)
    MATH     131       Calculus I (4)
            Or MATH 160 Introductory Investigations in Mathematics (3)
            *Note: MATH 131 is a prerequisite for DATA 440


  1. Complete all the requirements for one of the following tracks: 

     Traditional Computer Science Track (17 credits)
     COSC    330       Algorithms (3)

     COSC    345       Computer Systems (4)
     COSC     346       Cybersecurity (4)
     Complete 7 hours of elective COSC courses numbered 200 or above, may include DATA 440.
     Excludes internships or practicum.
     At least 3 additional credits of MATH courses at the 132-level or above.


     Data Science Track (20 credits)
     MATH     215       Applied Statistics (4)

     DATA      210       Introduction to Data Science (3)
     DATA      310       Data Visualization (3)
     DATA      440       Applied Machine Learning (3)
     Complete 7 hours of elective COSC courses numbered 200 or above, may include one of MATH 132 or MATH 240.
Excludes internships or practicum.        


Computer Science Minor Requirements (20 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following:
    COSC    110      Introduction to Computer Science (3)

    COSC    130      Data Structures (3)
    COSC    220      Software Design (4)


  1. Complete 10 credits of additional COSC courses numbered 120 and above, including MATH 220, but excluding service learning, internships, and practica, with at least 3 credits at the 300 or 400 level.