PHYS – Physics

PHYS 101 Introductory Physics I with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: high school algebra. A thorough basic course studying fundamental physics and laboratory techniques necessary for understanding science and its relation to everyday experiences. One three-hour lab per week. (NS)


PHYS 102 Introductory Physics II with Lab (4)

Prerequisite: PHYS 101. A continuation of PHYS 101. One three-hour lab per week. (NS)


PHYS 106 Introductory Astronomy (3)

Prerequisite: high school algebra. A descriptive course dealing with the celestial sphere, the solar system, stars and galaxies. It presents the astronomical phenomena of the universe in the context of physical science and examines related laws in the context of current issues in planetary and space sciences. This course is open to all students who desire a basic understanding of their astronomical environment. Of value to future teachers and anyone interested in how mathematics is integrated into science. Night viewing sessions are required. (EXP, NS)


PHYS 111 General Physics I with Lab (5)

Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 131. A thorough basic course in all major branches of classical physics with an emphasis on mathematical analysis. Designed for physics, chemistry, and engineering majors. Required for advanced physics courses. One three-hour lab per week. (NS, EXP)


PHYS 112 General Physics II with Lab (5)

Prerequisite: PHYS 111; Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 132. A continuation of PHYS 111. Designed for physics, chemistry, and engineering majors. Required for advanced physics courses. One three-hour lab per week. (NS)


PHYS 204 Energy and Environment (3)

Prerequisite: second-year standing. An examination of energy-related problems both ecological and social from a physical science perspective. Investigation is made of the historical origins of these problems, a description is given of the problems as they exist in various cultures today, and some policies of energy usage are examined, followed by a scenario of outcomes as a result of implementation of various policies. Emphasis is placed on the natural principles underlying the problems and evaluations of the problems in this light. Does not count toward the major. (NS, GS)


PHYS 215 Theoretical and Experimental Methods (2)

Prerequisites: PHYS 112 and MATH 231. Introduces students to various theoretical and experimental methods used in engineering and physics. Topics include theory of fields, curvilinear coordinates, tensors, spectral analysis, errors in experiments, and their propagation.


PHYS 216 Waves (2)

Prerequisite: PHYS 112. Physical concepts and mathematical relations describing wave phenomena in a variety of physical systems. Topics include oscillation in mechanical and electrical systems, mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and optics.


PHYS 225 Modern Physics I (3)

Prerequisite: PHYS 112.  Special theory of relativity, quantization of electromagnetic waves and photons, wave properties of matter, structure of the atom, and introductory quantum mechanics. (NS)


PHYS 322 Optics (3)

Prerequisite: PHYS 112. Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 231 or instructor’s permission. Light as an electromagnetic wave, propagation of light, geometrical optics, polarization, interference, diffraction, and their applications.


PHYS 325 Modern Physics II (3)

Prerequisite: PHYS 225. Continuation of PHYS 225. Applications of introductory quantum theory to the subjects of solid state physics and nuclear physics. An introduction to sub-atomic particles called quarks and leptons.


PHYS 331 Advanced Laboratories (2)

Pre- or co-requisites: PHYS 225 and third-year standing. A laboratory investigation of all major branches of physics with an emphasis on experimental design and procedures, precise data collection, quantitative data analysis, and professional written reports in a research atmosphere of independent thinking. Two semesters required for a major.


PHYS 412 Quantum Mechanics (4)

Prerequisite: PHYS 225. Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 231 or instructor permission.  The Schrodinger equation, hydrogen atom, simple harmonic oscillator, expectation values, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, operators.


PHYS 421 Electricity and Magnetism II (3)

Prerequisite: ENGR 321. A continuation of ENGR 321. Electric currents, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations, energy, momentum and angular momentum of electromagnetic fields and their conservation, electromagnetic waves, fields of moving charges, and radiation of electromagnetic waves.


PHYS 397/497 Internship (Arr)

Prerequisite: departmental approval and instructor’s permission. An applied experience in the major, requiring a minimum number of hours of work per credit hour. Includes conferences with the on-campus instructor and an evaluation by the job supervisor. Pass/No Credit basis.