Campus Visit

All prospective students are invited to explore the opportunities available in and out of the classroom at Central by arranging a personal campus visit. Prospective students tour the campus with a student host and visit with an admission counselor to discuss academic programming, extracurricular options, the admission process, scholarships and financial aid. Students may also request an appointment with a faculty member or sit in on a class in their chosen field of study. Additional meetings with music or theatre staff members or coaches can also be arranged.

The office of admission is open from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday throughout the academic year. From September through May, the office is also open on Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon. Please see the admission website at for a list of special visit events throughout the year.

For more information, contact Central’s campus visit coordinator at 641-628-7616 or toll-free at 877-462-3687 during regular office hours.