SPAN – Spanish

Note: Courses offered by the Spanish program are calibrated to the nationally recognized target levels of proficiency defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Details are available from program faculty.


SPAN 121 Beginning Spanish I (4)

Includes essential grammar and vocabulary. Foundation for the development of listening comprehension, conversation, reading and cross-cultural skills at the equivalent of the novice low to mid- level of the ACTFL scale.


SPAN 122 Beginning Spanish II (4)

Prerequisite: SPAN 121, placement or equivalent. Includes essential grammar and vocabulary. Foundation for the development of listening comprehension, conversation, reading and cross-cultural skills at the equivalent of the novice high to mid- level of the ACTFL scale.


SPAN X60 Language and Culture: [Location] (1-4)

Prerequisite: Instructor determines placement level. This course involves a short-term, faculty-led study experience in a Spanish-speaking community and can be taken for variable credit (to be determined by the instructor). The course level is at the discretion of the instructor and is also dependent on language placement.


SPAN 212 Language and Culture in the Yucatan Peninsula (1)

Pre- or Co-requisite: SPAN-122 (or higher) or placement in SPAN-221 or higher. Explores the relationship between language and culture through readings and class discussions on the many cultural traditions and practices of this region. Students will be afforded many opportunities for experiential learning by engaging with local Spanish speaking communities, both here and abroad, providing a real-life context for students to practice their language skills and reflect on these intercultural exchanges. Students enrolled in this course will participate in a mandatory short-term study abroad experience in Merida, Mexico. 


SPAN 221 Intermediate Spanish I (4)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 122 or equivalent or placement. Continues development of reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension skills, with particular emphasis on the development of oral proficiency at the equivalent of intermediate low to mid-level. Includes an introduction to Spanish and Latin American life and culture. (GPN, EXP)


SPAN 222 Intermediate Spanish II (4)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 221 or equivalent, or placement. Continues development of reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension skills, with particular emphasis on the development of oral proficiency at the equivalent of intermediate-mid level. Includes a study of aspects of Spanish and Latin American life and culture and an introduction to the reading of short literary and non-literary selections. (GPN, EXP)


SPAN 312 Language and Culture in the Yucatan Peninsula (1)

Pre- or Co-requisite: SPAN-222 (or higher) or placement in SPAN-222 or higher. Explores the relationship between language and culture through readings and class discussions on the many cultural traditions and practices of this region. Students will be afforded many opportunities for experiential learning by engaging with local Spanish speaking communities, both here and abroad, providing a real-life context for students to practice their language skills and reflect on these intercultural exchanges. Students enrolled in this course will participate in a mandatory short-term study abroad experience in Merida, Mexico. 


SPAN 321 Advanced Spanish: Grammar, Composition & Conversation I (4)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 222 or equivalent, or placement. Continues development of reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension skills. Aims to have students attain intermediate high to advanced low on the ACTFL scale for all four language skills by the end of the next course in the advanced sequence. Entry course for the Spanish major. (GPN)


SPAN 322 Advanced Spanish: Grammar, Composition & Conversation II (4)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 321 or equivalent or placement. Continues development of reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension skills. Students must attain intermediate high to advance low on the ACTFL scale for all four language skills by the end of the course. (GPN)


SPAN 323 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 322 or placement. An introduction to the scope of Hispanic Literature. Studies significant literary works in prose, poetry, drama and the literary essay and authors from the medieval to contemporary times. The course approaches literature in its historical dimension as part of a larger cultural and historical process. Introduces vocabulary, concepts and methods to enable students to analyze the building blocks of literary texts and see how meaning is constructed and deconstructed. (LP, GPN)


SPAN 324 Spanish for Heritage Learners (4)

Prerequisite: SPAN 321 or equivalent or placement or higher. Continues the development of listening, writing, and speaking skills in Spanish for heritage speakers, with the emphasis on their unique linguistic and cultural needs and abilities.  Service-learning is required. (Note: this course is intended for heritage speakers of Spanish.) (GPC)


SPAN 325 Spanish Conversation Through Film (4)

Pre- or Co-requisite: SPAN 322. Develops and hones conversational skills in Spanish through the critical reading of films from Spain, Latin America and the Latino U.S.  Students will engage in vocabulary-building, written reflection and discussion-based activities, learning strategies for and approaches to examining audiovisual texts in their appropriate historical, cultural and linguistic contexts.


SPAN 332 Modern Spanish Literature (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 323 or equivalent. Focuses on various authors and genres in the modern literature of Spain, including the society and culture that made that literature possible. Students will learn how to engage the literary text in order to see how it reflects history and represents human endeavor in political, aesthetic and personal terms. May be taken twice with different genres/authors.


SPAN 342 Modern Spanish American Literature (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 323 or equivalent. Focuses on various authors and genres in the modern literature of Spanish America, and the cultures that produced that literature. Requirements include extensive reading, class discussion and short essays. Continues to develop the student’s language skills toward the proficiency goals required of all majors. May be taken twice with different genres/authors. Offered alternate years.


SPAN 343 Civilization of Hispanic America (3)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 323 or equivalent. Conducted in Spanish. Surveys various topics from the history and culture of the Latin American peoples. May include daily life, cultural values, political, social and economic issues, art, music, literature and film. Also continues to develop students’ language skills toward the proficiency goals required of all majors. Offered alternate years. (HP, GPC)


SPAN 344 Culture and Civilization of Spain (3)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 323 or equivalent. This course offers students a survey of Spanish culture and civilization, from prehistoric times to the present. Students will examine Spanish geography, history, politics, religion, civilization and the arts through written and visual texts. (HP, GPN)


SPAN 350 Hispanics/Latinos in the United States (3)

Prerequisite: successful completion of SPAN 323 or equivalent. Conducted in Spanish. Studies the culture, history, and social, economic and political situation of the Hispanic/Latino population in the United States through its literature, film and music, and through current articles on the subject. Readings in Spanish and English. Also continues to develop student’s language skills toward the proficiency goals required of all majors. Offered alternate years. (GPC)


SPAN 425 Topics in Hispanic Culture and Civilization (3)

Prerequisite: SPAN 323 or equivalent. Offered occasionally to meet students’ needs and interests in the cultures of Spain or Latin America. This course will allow students to explore current issues, history, film or other topics of interest while continuing to develop language skills toward the proficiency required of all majors. May be repeated with different topics.


SPAN 487 Senior Seminar in Hispanic Literature and/or Culture (3)

Prerequisite: two Spanish courses numbered 332 or higher. Explores a focused topic in the literature and/or culture of Spain and/or Latin America. Students are expected to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the course of the major program in an interdisciplinary manner. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.


SPAN 488 Senior Capstone Project (1)

Prerequisite: senior standing or instructor permission. The student will collaborate with a Spanish professor to explore in depth a topic of interest related to the cultures and languages of the Spanish-speaking world.


SPAN 494 Language Teaching Practicum (6-9)

Offers opportunity to apply second-language teaching methodology in small-group setting. Emphasis on oral skill development. Will be supervised by a faculty member.


SPAN 499 Independent Study (Arr)

Prerequisite: completion of advanced courses offered on campus with instructor’s permission. For majors who have completed all advanced courses on campus, and who wish to investigate some area of individual interest.