Political Science

POLS – Political Science course descriptions


Shawn Wick (chair), Mark Barloon, Andrew Green, Stephanie Wise, James Zaffiro


Statement of philosophy

Government is the process through which people pursue collective goals, allocate scarce resources, and attempt to establish justice. Government decisions affect life and death, wealth and poverty, crime and punishment, individual freedom, opportunity, and happiness. Students in the political science program learn about government and how individuals and groups interact with government in the United States, other countries, and international organizations. Student learning focuses on theory and experience. In their courses political science students confront classic as well as contemporary political questions: Is there a best political order; how can hunger be eliminated; what are the causes of political violence and terrorism; what is the citizen’s responsibility to the environment; what is the most efficient way to fund local schools? Political science students also learn how to do research projects that apply their theoretical knowledge to questions and concerns of personal interest. This is accomplished through the course work, supervised independent study, service learning, and internships. Many of our students study abroad to learn firsthand about foreign and international politics, or intern in Washington, D.C., Des Moines, or Chicago to learn about federal, state, and local government in the U.S.


Major Communication Skills

Oral Communication and Writing skills are an integral part of a major in political science and for careers which political science majors will pursue. Political science majors will have their own communication and writing skills assessed on an annual basis and will be provided feedback from the department’s faculty members. 


Political Science Major Requirements (37-40 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following (12 credits):
    POLS   110       Introduction to American Politics (4)
    POLS   140       Introduction to International Politics (4)
    POLS   489       Capstone Seminar (4)
  1. Complete an additional seven Political Science (POLS) elective courses of which two must be at the 300- level (25-28 credits)
    One 3+ credit POLS 397 Internship will count for one elective course in the major.
    One 3+ credit POLS 399 Independent Study will count for one elective course in the major.


 Political Science Minor Requirements (21-24 credits) 

  1. Complete five Political Science (POLS) courses (17- 20 credits)
    One 3+ credit POLS 397 Internship will count for one course in the minor.
    One 3+ credit POLS 399 Independent Study will count for one course in the minor. 
  1. Complete POLS 489 Capstone Seminar (4)