
PHYS – Physics course descriptions


Wendy Weber (chair), Elizabeth Golovatski, Viktor Martisovits, Alexey Pronin


Statement of philosophy

Physics, the most fundamental physical science, is concerned with the basic principles of the universe. It is the foundation on which engineering, technology and the other sciences are based. The physics program at Central College is a four-year program that prepares students for jobs in engineering and other technical areas, teaching, physics graduate school, engineering graduate school and research. It is the major that is the foundation for most of the engineering specialties in Central’s engineering dual-degree programs with The University of Iowa, and Iowa State University. Our mission is to teach physics theory, problem-solving skills, and experimental techniques with an emphasis on science as a method for exploring the world. We prepare our students to be able to reason from the general fundamental principles to specific applications in physics and engineering. A student trained in physics will be able to work in a variety of specialties.


Study abroad opportunities

Students majoring in physics have been able to study abroad with careful planning, especially during the summer.


Major Communication Skills

The communication skills goals of the Analytical and Physical Science department are to prepare our students to be able to read the technical and mathematical literature used in physics and to be able to explain physical concepts in a clear and logical fashion both in writing and speaking. Difficulties that arise in oral communication occur typically in public speaking situations and are best addressed by practice provided in speech classes. Early evaluation of skills is done in PHYS 111. Skill in reading physics texts is evaluated through normal chapter tests and quizzes in which comprehension of test questions and text material is required to pass. Writing skills are evaluated through laboratory reports that require a formal writing style. Speaking skills are evaluated through personal conversations with the students by the physics faculty during normal conversation involving technical matters.

Monitoring and remedial opportunities occur in each physics course in that tests, quizzes, and personal discussions with the students provide us with information that is used to advise students about any changes that must be made to improve their communication skills. Students in many courses are assigned short presentations to give to a class. Enrollment in PHYS 331 for two semesters is required of all physics majors. Each student must be able to communicate orally on a one-to-one basis with the instructor of the class regarding technical problems arising from experiments performed.

All graduating physics majors know how to read technical material, if slowly. Since speed is not a concern, there are no specific reading requirements. PHYS 331 has sufficiently high standards of technical writing that passing both semesters is evidence of a student’s writing skills. The formal requirement needed to meet the communication skill goal in speaking is to pass COMM 160 Communication in Everyday Life.


Physics Major Requirements (minimum of 57 credits)            

  1. Complete all of the following:
    PHYS   111       General Physics I with Lab (5)

    PHYS   112       General Physics II with Lab (5)
    PHYS   225       Modern Physics I (3)
    PHYS   331       Advanced Labs (4) (2 semesters)
    CHEM   111       General Chemistry I with Lab (4)

    MATH   131       Calculus I (4)
    MATH   132       Calculus II (4)
    MATH   231       Multivariable Calculus (3)
    MATH   250       Differential Equations (3)


  1. Complete 19 credits from the following elective courses:
    PHYS    211       Analog Electronics (3)

    PHYS    215       Theoretical and Experimental Methods (2)
    PHYS    216       Waves (2)
    PHYS    322       Optics (3)
    PHYS    325       Modern Physics II (3)
    PHYS    326       Analytical Mechanics (4)
    PHYS    412       Quantum Mechanics (4)
    PHYS    421       Electricity and Magnetism II (3)
    ENGR    212       Dynamics (3)
    ENGR    311       Thermodynamics (3)
    ENGR    321       Electromagnetism (3)
  1. Complete one of the following:
    COMM    160       Communication in Everyday Life (3)

    COMM    272       Oral Communication in Professional Contexts (3)



Physics Minor Requirements (18 credits)           

  1. Complete all of the following:
    PHYS   111           General Physics I with Lab (5)

    PHYS   112          General Physics II with Lab (5)
    PHYS   225          Modern Physics I (3)
    PHYS   331          Advanced Laboratories (2)
  1. Complete an additional 3 credits of PHYS courses numbered 211 or above