
MATH – Mathematics course descriptions


Wendy Weber (chair), Russell Goodman, Erik Insko, Mark Mills, Abby Rocha

Department Information

Mathematics, one of the keystones of the liberal arts, combines the study of patterns and abstract structures with the art of problem-solving. The ability to reason with quantitative information and solve intricate problems is, and will continue to be, a highly-valued skill. No less important is the ability to communicate technical material. The mathematics faculty is committed to developing these skills in all students.

All majors will study contemporary and classic branches of mathematics. In addition, faculty encourage students to gain breadth in the major by taking both theoretical and applied courses. Other course requirements are flexible, allowing students to obtain teacher certification, gain practical experience in an internship, or study abroad. Whether in teaching, in graduate school, or in the workplace, graduates with a liberal arts major in mathematics have the tools they need for success.

We offer three distinct majors: mathematics, mathematics with data science emphasis, and mathematics with secondary education emphasis.


Study Abroad

Majors are encouraged to study abroad- and should consult mathematics faculty about when to go abroad.


Mathematics credit by proficiency

For information on earning credit by proficiency in mathematics, please see the Credit by Proficiency section of this catalog.


Major Communication Skills

The department believes that it is essential that majors in mathematics are able to speak, read, write, and listen within the discipline. As such, many courses throughout the major include activities that evaluate students’ ability to communicate.


Major/minor restrictions

Students interested in combining business and mathematics may want to consider the actuarial science major, but a mathematics major may not also declare a major in actuarial science. Students seeking a mathematics teaching endorsement should consult the education department. Students choosing the data science emphasis in mathematics may not declare a computer science major with a data science emphasis.


Mathematics Major Requirements (39 credits) 

  1. Complete all of the following:
     MATH   131       Calculus I (4)

     MATH   132       Calculus II (4)
     MATH   160       Introductory Investigations in Mathematics (3)
     MATH   220       Discrete Mathematics (3)
     MATH   240       Linear Algebra (4)
     COSC   110       Introduction to Computer Science (3) 
  1. Complete one of the following:
     MATH   310       Geometry (3)

     MATH   450       Studies in Theoretical Mathematics: topics (3)
  1. Complete 15 credits of additional MATH courses numbered 215 and above, including DATA 210, with at least 9 credits at the 300- or 400- level.


Mathematics Major/Data Science Emphasis Requirements (43-44 credits) 

  1. Complete all of the following:
     MATH   131      Calculus I (4)

     MATH   132      Calculus II (4)
     MATH    160     Introductory Investigations in Mathematics (3)         
     MATH    215     Applied Statistics (4)
     MATH    220     Discrete Mathematics (3)
     MATH   240      Linear Algebra (4)
     MATH   330      Mathematical Modeling (3)
     COSC   110       Introduction to Computer Science (3)
     DATA     210       Introduction to Data Science (3) 
     DATA     310       Data Visualization (3)
     DATA     440       Applied Machine Learning (3)          
  1. Complete one of the following:
    MATH    310       Geometry (3)

    MATH    450       Studies in Theoretical Mathematics: topics (3)     
  1. Complete one of the following:
    COSC     130       Data Structures (3) 

    COSC     210       Database and the Web (4)


Mathematics Minor Requirements (21 credits) 

  1. Complete all of the following:
    MATH   131       Calculus I (4)

    MATH   132      Calculus II (4)
    MATH   240     Linear Algebra (4)           
  1. Complete an additional 9 credits of MATH courses numbered 160 and above, with at least 3 credits at the 300- or 400- level.


Mathematics Major/Secondary Education Emphasis Requirements (40 credits)

The Analytical and Physical Science Department will not recommend for teacher licensure students whose grade point average within their mathematics and computer science courses is below 2.5.  The department has advised the Education Department that such students should be denied admission to or be dropped from the teacher education program until their grade point average within the mathematics and computer science courses has been brought up to at least 2.5.

  1. Complete all of the following:
    MATH   131       Calculus I (4)

    MATH   132       Calculus II (4)
    MATH   160       Introductory Investigations in Mathematics (3)
    MATH   215       Applied Statistics (4)
    MATH   220       Discrete Mathematics (3)
    MATH   240       Linear Algebra (4)
    MATH   310       Geometry (3)
    COSC  110       Introduction to Computer Science (3)
  1. Complete 12 credits of additional MATH courses numbered 231 and above, including DATA 210, with at least 6 credits at the 300- or 400- level.