MATH – Mathematics

MATH 102 Contemporary Mathematics (3)

A non-technical survey of applications of contemporary mathematics, including topics such as networks, voting theory, probability, statistics and methods of counting. Explores the use of mathematics to better understand the world. Does not count toward the major. (MR, EXP)


MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics (4)

Prerequisite: Placement at the MATH 109 level or lower. An introduction to the basic statistical methods for collecting, organizing, displaying, and analyzing data, along with the basic statistical procedures for inference. No prior knowledge of statistics is assumed. Does not count toward the major. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 105 and MATH 215.  Students completing MATH 131 or higher should take MATH 215. (MR, EXP)


MATH 109 Pre-Calculus (3)

Prerequisite: College Algebra or equivalent. Continuation of some college algebra topics and the study of functions, graphs, and their properties, including exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Does not count toward the major. (MR)


MATH 115 Mathematical Concepts I (3)

Prerequisite: EDUC 110, EDUC-135 or EDUC-181 and intended Elementary Education major. This course studies mathematical content needed for teaching elementary mathematics: problem solving, sets, functions, ratios, proportions, the properties of and operations on whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, rational and irrational numbers. Does not count toward the mathematics major. (MR, EXP)


MATH 116 Mathematical Concepts II (3)

Prerequisite: MATH-115. This course continues the introduction of the mathematical content needed for teaching elementary mathematics: algebraic thinking, data analysis, statistics, probability, measurement, geometry. Does not count toward the mathematics major. (MR, EXP)


MATH 131 Calculus I (4)

Prerequisite: usually, 4 years of college-bound mathematics or MATH 109. An introduction to differential calculus of functions of one variable. Covers concepts, mechanics, and applications of the derivative with an introduction to integral calculus. (MR, EXP)


MATH 132 Calculus II (4)

Prerequisite: MATH 131. An introduction to integral calculus of functions of one variable. Covers the definite integral, techniques of integration, and applications of the integral, as well as sequences, series, and polynomial approximations of functions. (MR, EXP)


MATH 160 Introductory Investigations in Mathematics (3)

An introduction to investigating mathematical topics of the student’s choosing. The course will focus on the process of mathematical investigation while developing technical communication skills. (EXP)


MATH 215 Applied Statistics (4)

Prerequisite: MATH 109 or placement at the MATH 131 level (or above), or instructor permission.  Introduces fundamental concepts of methods of statistics.  Key ideas to be studied include data collection strategies and their scope of conclusion, the role of randomness in collecting data and drawing conclusions, graphical and numerical summaries of data, assessing statistical significance and estimating with confidence.  Students may not receive credit for both MATH 105 and MATH 215. (MR, EXP)


MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics (3)

Prerequisite: Second year standing. An introduction to the mathematical ideas commonly used in upper-level mathematics and computer science courses. Topics covered include propositional and predicate logic, recursion, induction, relations, functions, graphs, counting techniques, and discrete probability.


MATH 231 Multivariable Calculus (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 132. This course introduces the principles, methods and applications of calculus in three or more dimensions. (MR)


MATH 240 Linear Algebra (4)

Prerequisite: MATH 131. This course introduces matrices, vector spaces and linear mappings. (MR)


MATH 250 Differential Equations (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 132. Students learn to solve ordinary differential equations including systems. Students are introduced to numerical techniques and methods of qualitative analysis.


MATH 310 Geometry (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 220. Introduces students to the foundations of geometry. Studies geometric transformations, axiomatic systems for finite geometries and Euclidean geometry, synthetic geometry, hyperbolic geometry, and other geometries. (WOC)


MATH 330 Mathematical Modeling (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 132 and COSC 110. Studies techniques for developing and interpreting mathematical models in several contexts such as: graphical models, proportionality, optimization, dynamic systems, probability, simulation and Markov processes.


MATH 341 Probability (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 132. This course introduces an axiomatic approach to probability, sample spaces and the study of distribution functions.


MATH 342 Statistics (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 341 (MATH 231 recommended). This course is about the study of distribution functions, estimation techniques and hypothesis testing.


MATH 350 Studies in Applied Mathematics: topic (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 220. The study of an applied mathematics topic. May be repeated with different topics.


MATH 390/490 Topics: Mathematics (Arr)

Various topics in mathematics can be studied depending upon the interest and demand shown by students. The student’s transcript will indicate the topic studied.


MATH 450 Studies in Theoretical Mathematics: topic (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 220. The study of an advanced mathematics topic with an emphasis on definitions and proofs. May be repeated with different topics.


MATH 460 Advanced Investigations in Mathematics (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 220. Individual research in or investigation of an advanced mathematics topic of the student’s choosing.