FREN – French

Note: Courses offered by the department of modern languages are calibrated to the nationally recognized target levels of proficiency defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Details are available from the department.


FREN 121 Beginning French I (4)

A broad-based course developing skill in speaking, reading, writing and understanding spoken French. The cultural element stresses contemporary France.


FREN 122 Beginning French II (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 121. A continuation of the introductory course. Offers further development of skills in all areas and study of contemporary France.


FREN 221 Intermediate French I (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 122, placement. A continuation of FREN 122. Carries the students in French closer to mastery of the skills of understanding, speaking, reading and writing the language. Includes a study of selected aspects of French culture. (GPN)


FREN 222 Intermediate French II (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 221 or instructor’s permission. A continuation of FREN 221. Carries the students in French closer to mastery of the skills of understanding, speaking, reading and writing the language, with emphasis on increasing reading skills. Includes a study of selected aspects of French culture. (GPN)


FREN 321 Culture and Conversation (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 222, placement, or instructor’s permission. Focuses on exploring French and Francophone culture thematically through the French language. (GPN)


FREN 324 Exploring French and Francophone Media (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 222, placement, or instructor permission. Explores the French and Francophone world through contemporary media in French. Emphasis on speaking and listening to authentic French. (GPN)


FREN 326 Global Cinema (4)

Prerequisite: FREN 321 or FREN 322 or instructor permission. This course invites students to compare films from different cultural traditions and to learn the language of cinema. Students will learn how film-makers from around the globe have given voice to people and cultures rarely seen in Western film. The course will also explore the ways in which film-makers across the globe and throughout the century have borrowed tools and techniques from each other to create new cross-cultural experiences. Cinema from Europa, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia will be discussed. The course is taught in English with weekly discussion section in French. (ART, GPC).  Taught as FREN 390 in the fall of 2018.  Students may not also receive credit for FA 226 and GERM 326.


FREN 489 Senior Capstone in French (3)

Prerequisite: completion of study abroad or instructor’s permission.  Normally taken during the student’s last semester on campus.  The student will collaborate with an advisor to prepare and deliver a formal presentation in French before a jury.  At this time the student will demonstrate skills, knowledge and dispositions appropriate for the major.


FREN 490 Topics in Francophone Literatures and Civilization (3)

Prerequisite: study in Paris or instructor’s permission. Study of the francophone cultures and literatures through analysis of texts and films of Québec, the French West Indies and North and West Africa. (LP, GPC)


FREN 494 Language Teaching Practicum (6-9)

Offers opportunity to apply second-language teaching methodology in small-group setting. Emphasis on oral skill development. Will be supervised by a faculty member.


FREN 497 Internship-French (Arr)

Prerequisite: Completion of a year of study on the Paris program with a minimum GPA of 3.00 and instructor’s permission. The internship provides an opportunity for the student to explore a career option in the major field of study. Pass/No Credit basis.


FREN 499 Independent Study-French (Arr)

Prerequisite: one literature course and instructor’s permission. Designed for majors who wish to investigate some area of individual interest not covered by courses offered in the department. Number of credits determined by the scope of the study undertaken. Offered any semester with the permission of the head of the department.