Environmental And Sustainability Studies

ENVS – Environmental Studies course descriptions


Anya Butt (director), Russ Benedict, Ashley Garr, Lee Macomber, Tuan Nguyen, Paul Weihe


Statement of philosophy 

Environmental studies examines the relationship of science, society and nature in a world with a focus on sustainability. Properly addressing environmental problems requires the ability to analyze complex systems and explore solutions within the socio-cultural, economic and political decision-making process. This major provides students with a strong grounding in the three legs of sustainability: an understanding of economics, politics, and the relevant scientific aspects for constructively solving problems through an interdisciplinary approach. 

Students shape their major by selecting a focus either on a more science oriented or a more socio-political oriented major and supplement it with diverse electives. A focus on the socio-economic and political aspects in environmental studies enables students to help properly define sustainable resource use through an understanding of the science and environmental relationships within the debates at the global, national and local levels. A focus on the science involved in environmental issues enables students to gain a comprehensive ability to address these issues within an applied context. Course work is enriched by supervised independent research, career-focused internships, experiential and service-learning opportunities. Central’s extensive network of internship opportunities provide students with invaluable hands-on experience. Strongly recommended is at least one semester of study abroad. 

The Environmental Studies major is one component of Central’s commitment to becoming a leader in sustainability education, along with the Global Sustainability program.  Both programs focus on addressing global issues that arise due to the scarcity of resources on our earth and efforts by humanity to balance our needs with those of future generations. Due to the commonalities in courses and focus between the Environmental Studies program and the Global Sustainability minor, students are not allowed to declare major/minors simultaneously in these programs.

Career opportunities in environmental science are varied and increasing. Due to their strong backgrounds in the sciences, the social sciences and GIS, environmental studies and sustainability graduates have career opportunities in sustainability focused careers, as well as a diverse variety of positions in environmental protection and policy. This includes companies looking for entry level individuals with strong analytical skills for water, air, biological or soil analyses, or federal, local or state agencies focused on habitat monitoring, restoration, and delineation; as well as careers focused on environmental education and technical writing about environmental issues.

Major Communication Skills

It is essential for majors to be able to effectively speak, read, write and think critically within the context of their ENVS course work. For this reason, many required courses and electives include assignments and activities that evaluate students’ communication skills proficiency.  Evaluation of students’ communication skills formally occurs in ENVS 380 Environmental Studies Seminar and ENVS 480 Environmental Studies Senior Seminar. Two requirements of these common capstone course are a major paper and an oral public presentation.

Major/Minor restrictions

Students planning to major or minor in Environmental Studies may not minor in Global Sustainability.


Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major Requirements (52- 56 credits) 

  1. Complete all of the following:
    BIOL     130       Diversity of Life with Lab (4)

    ECON   112       Principles of Microeconomics (3)
    ENVS   120       Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab (4)
    ENVS   380       Environmental Studies Seminar (3) 
    ENVS   480       Environmental Studies Senior Seminar (1)   
    GEOG  320       Principles of GIS with Lab (3)          


  1. Complete one of the following:
    GEOG  325       Planning for Sustainable Communities (4)

    POLS   242       Global Sustainability Politics (4)


  1. Complete one of the following socio-economic courses:
    ECON   321        Environmental Economics (3)

    ECON   329        Economic Development (3)
    GEOG   225       Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa (3)
    POLS    241        International Political Economy (4)
    SOC      335       Globalization & Development (4)


  1. Complete one of the following:
    COSC   110       Introduction to Computer Science (3)

    BIOL      210      Epidemiology (3)
    MATH    215      Applied Statistics (4)*
        *MATH 105 may be substituted for MATH 215, but MATH 215 is the recommended statistics course for the major


  1. Complete either Block A or Block B:

      Block A
      CHEM   107       Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (3)

      ECON    113       Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
      GEOG    237      Physical Geography: Weather and Climate with Lab (4)

      One course from:
      POLS    233       American Environmental Politics and Policy (4)
      HIST     237       American Environmental History (4)


      Block B
      BIOL     131       Introduction to Cells with Lab (4)

      BIOL     229       Ecology and Evolution with Lab (4)
      CHEM   111       General Chemistry I with Lab (4)
      CHEM   241       Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4)


  1. Complete at least 10 s.h. of elective credit from the following (with at least 6 s.h. at the 200-level or above)
    ANTH    260       Medical Anthropology (4)

    BEHS   285       Not-for-Profit Seminar (1)
    BEHS   397       Internship in Not-for-Profit Management (3)
    BIOL     310       Tropical Ecology (1-4)
    BIOL     324       Field Botany with Lab (4)
    BIOL     342       Mammalogy with Lab (4)
    BIOL     343       Ornithology with Lab (4)
    BIOL     345       Limnology with Lab (4)
    BIOL     350       Conservation Biology and Ecology of Iowa (4)
    BIOL     361       Microbiology with Lab (4)
    CHEM   231       Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4)
    CHEM   321       Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (4)     
    CHEM   331       Organic Chemistry II with Lab (4)
    CHEM   351        Biochemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM   372       Environmental Chemistry with Lab (3) (not regularly offered)
    CHEM   442       Instrumental Analysis with Lab (4)
    ENGL   213        Literature, Environment and Ecology (3)
    ENGL   246        Writing for Non-profit Organizations (4)       
    ENVS   125        Geology and the Environment with Lab (3)
    ENVS   240        Agriculture and Sustainability (3)                 
    KIN       215        Introduction to Angling (3)
    KIN       261        Community, Consumer and Global Health (3)
    GEOG  110        Introduction to Geography (3)
    GEOG  238        Physical Geography: Geomorphology with Lab (4)   
    GEOG  420        Advanced GIS with Lab (2)
    GERM  362        Germany and the Environment (3) (not regularly offered)
    PHIL     245        Environmental Ethics (4)
    POLS   140        Introduction to International Politics (4)
    POLS   344        International Law and Human Rights (4)
    POLS   397        State and Local Environmental Project Review Internship (3)
    PHYS   101        Introductory Physics I (4)
    PHYS   102        Introductory Physics II with Lab (4) 
                                or  PHYS   111 General Physics I with Lab (5)
                                PHYS   112 General Physics II with Lab (5)
    PHYS   204        Energy and Environment (3)
    SUST    125       Introduction to Global Sustainability (4)
    300/400-level internship by arrangement and approval by the program director
    LAS 410 courses by approval of the program director as appropriate

      Note: Study abroad courses may also apply as electives pending approval by the program director.



Environmental Studies Minor Requirements (23-24 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following:
    ENVS   120       Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab (4)

    GEOG  320       Principles of GIS with Lab (3)                             
  1. Complete one of the following:
    GEOG  325       Planning for Sustainable Communities (4)

    POLS   242       Global Sustainability Politics (4) 
  1. Complete one of the following:
    ECON   321       Environmental Economics (3)

    ECON   329       Economic Development (3)
    GEOG  225       Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa (3)
    HIST     237       American Environmental History (4)
    POLS   233       American Environmental Politics and Policy (4)
    SOC     335       Globalization & Development (4)  
  1. Complete at least 9 credits of additional electives with the approval of the Environmental Science director (with 4 at or above the 200 level).