Education-Teaching Licensure, Secondary Education

EDUC – Education course descriptions


Melissa McAninch (chair), Jennifer Diers (director), Erin Durflinger, Alan Hastings, Tamala Strawser, Julianne Taylor, Papae Wymore


Statement of philosophy

For general information about Central’s Education Department and teacher education programs, please consult the Education (Elementary) section of this catalog.


Program approval

The Central College teacher education program is approved by the Iowa Department of Education. Students successfully completing one of the prescribed programs may be considered candidates for an Iowa Teaching License that is endorsed according to the type of program completed.

The credentials of Central College are respected outside Iowa, but students desiring to teach in any other state should be acquainted with the professional requirements of the state in question as early as possible in their college career. Any student who is seeking Iowa licensure with the intent of also meeting the licensure requirements of another state should consult with the Department of Education in that state.


Admission and retention requirements

Application for the teacher education program is expected after completing EDUC 110, 135, 181, and 183. Candidates are continually evaluated throughout the program to ensure appropriate progression on departmental standards and are formally reviewed by the full department at the point of admission, prior to student teaching and before application for licensure.

  1. Maintenance of a cumulative grade point average of 2.7;
  2. Attainment of a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with the EDUC prefix;
  3. Successful completion of all observations and field experiences;
  4. Successful completion of departmental benchmark assignments;
  5. Demonstration of Central College teacher candidate dispositions;
  6. Demonstration of expertise in content and effective oral and written communication;
  7. Achievement of major program grade point average requirements or proficiencies (based on content area)
  8. Recommendation of the major department

Study abroad opportunities

The education department encourages students to consider the advantages of study abroad. Internships and programs of study in teacher education can be explored as growth opportunities.


Endorsements and special programs for Iowa licensure

Teachers at the secondary level may teach in their endorsement area(s) grades 5- 12.


Program completion is not final and a recommendation for a K-12 teaching license will not be granted until the teaching candidate has met the following requirements:

  1.  Completion of a B.A. or B.S.
  2. Attainment of a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with an EDUC prefix
  3. Attainment of final ratings of “Meets Standard” in at least eight of the ten overall ratings of InTASC standards. An overall rating of “unsatisfactory” in any standard or disposition will disqualify the teaching candidate from the recommendation for licensure.
  4. Demonstrate “Meets Standard” in six of the seven teaching dispositions. An overall rating of “unsatisfactory” in any standard or disposition will disqualify the teaching candidate from the recommendation for licensure.
  5. Attainment of “Meets Standard” in all assessed areas on the Senior Showcase rubric.
  6. Completion of all requirements in education, including student teaching.
  7. Completion of all support courses from various departments as advised by the Education Department to meet licensure and endorsement requirements, individual interest, and/or need.
  8. Recommendation for licensure from the Education Department voting faculty members.


Upon successful completion of these requirements, the graduate is recommended to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners for a teaching license.

Secondary Education Licensure Program (7-12)

Complete all of the following (40 credits) with a “C” or better in each course:
EDUC  110      Foundations of Education (3)

EDUC  135      Children with Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC  181      Developmental Psychology (3)
EDUC  240      Teaching, Learning and Assessment (3)
EDUC  342      Reading in the Content Area – Secondary (1)
EDUC  345      Human Relations (3)
EDUC  374      Behavior and Classroom Management (3)
EDUC  384      Field Experience in Secondary Education (1)
EDUC  450      General Secondary Methods (3)
EDUC  451      Secondary Special Methods (1)
EDUC  455       Advanced Integration of Technology in Education – Secondary (1)
EDUC  470      Secondary Student Teaching (12)
EDUC  486      Professional Development Seminar-Secondary (2)

Secondary Endorsement Areas (5-12)

Possible Secondary endorsement areas are listed below, but students should communicate with the Education Department as to their intent in obtaining such endorsement.


Secondary (5-12 & K-12)
101    K-12 Athletic Coach

104    K-12 ESL Teacher

114    5-12 Art

120    5-12 English/Lang Arts

124    5-12 French

126    5-12 German

134    5-12 Spanish

138    5-12 Health

143    5-12 Mathematics

145    5-12 Music

147    5-12 Physical Education

151    5-12 Biological Science

152    5-12 Chemistry

153    5-12 Earth Science

154    5-12 Basic Science

156    5-12 Physics

157    5-12 American Government

158    5-12 American  History

160    5-12 Economics

161    5-12 Geography

163    5-12 Psychology

165    5-12 Sociology

166    5-12 World History

168    5-12 Speech Com/Theatre

261    5-12 Instructional Strat I

975    5-8 STEM

1171  5-12 Business – All