Education (Elementary)
EDUC – Education course descriptions
Melissa McAninch (chair), Jennifer Diers (director), Erin Durflinger, Alan Hastings, Tamala Strawser, Julianne Taylor, Papae Wymore
Statement of philosophy
The philosophical foundation of teacher education at Central College is the liberal arts tradition. Central College Teacher Preparation Candidates exhibit knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are aligned with national and state teaching standards and are grounded in our program’s focus on developmental, authentic learning experiences. Through the completion of coursework and embedded field/clinical experiences, our graduates are prepared to exhibit the following skills and dispositions of effective teachers:
- Plan instruction by using knowledge of the content, cross disciplinary skills, individual learner differences, the community, and best practice to meet rigorous learning goals
- Use differentiated strategies and connect concepts to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of the content
- Utilize strategies, resources and technology to enhance critical/creative thinking and problem solving
- Apply classroom management and motivational strategies to create positive, productive learning environments
- Make instructional decisions based on multiple methods of assessment
- Collaborate in a professional, self-directed, and committed learner
- Reflect upon and facilitate student learning
- Advocate for students
The achievement of these program standards is based on a commitment to the personal and professional fulfillment of each student. Students receive individualized attention through advising, instruction and supervision of clinical/field experiences. Field experiences are extensive and developmentally appropriate. Continuous contact with teachers and students in clinical settings enables prospective teachers to successfully transfer educational theory into effective practice. Programs at Central College combine the best of traditional educational practice with the latest in innovative contemporary theory.
Education students may be eligible to enroll in the Central Teacher Academy (CTA), which is a three-year program that pairs a teacher education candidate with a K-12 mentor teacher. Students in CTA complete additional clinical/field experiences and professional development sessions. All education students are encouraged to consider the numerous off-campus internship opportunities available at urban and overseas sites.
Program approval
The Central College teacher education program is approved by the Iowa Department of Education. Students successfully completing one of the prescribed programs may be considered candidates for an Iowa Teaching License and is endorsed according to the type of program completed.
The credentials of Central College are respected outside Iowa, but students desiring to teach in any other state should be acquainted with the professional requirements of the state in question as early as possible in their college career. Any student who is seeking Iowa licensure with the intent of also meeting the licensure requirements of another state should consult with the Department of Education in that state.
Admission and retention requirements
Application for the teacher education program is expected after completing EDUC 110, 135, 181 and 183. Candidates are continually evaluated throughout the program to ensure appropriate progression in departmental standards and are formally reviewed by the full department at the point of admission to the teacher education program, at individual conferences at the end of each block, prior to student teaching, and before application for licensure.
Admission and retention in the teacher education program includes the following criteria:
- Maintenance of a cumulative grade point average of 2.7;
- Attainment of a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with the EDUC prefix;
- Successful completion of all observations and field experience assignments;
- Successful completion of all departmental benchmark assignments;
- Demonstration of Central College teacher candidate dispositions;
- Demonstration of expertise in content and effective oral and written communication
Study abroad opportunities
The education department encourages students to consider the advantages of study abroad. Internships and programs of study in teacher education can be explored as growth opportunities.
Major Communication Skills
Graduates of Central College must exhibit proficiency in communication skills. The communication skills expectations addressing reading, writing, and speaking for Central College are replicated in the Education Department’s InTASC Standards and dispositions. Ongoing evaluation of communication skills takes place in EDUC prefix courses and core courses with a college WRT designation. Writing skills are evaluated through writing assignments that are assessed for content, style, and mechanics. Writing assignments include term papers, journals, position papers, lesson plans, and research papers. Reading skills are assessed for literal, inferential, and evaluative comprehension of a variety of educational materials. Speaking and listening skills are evaluated in assignments including small group discussions, leading large groups, teaching classes, oral presentations, and debates. Students who are deficient in any of the skills areas are required to remediate the deficiencies through the campus support services or in consultation with a member of the department faculty.
A final evaluation is made during the student teaching semester when students have established that they are able to communicate effectively in the school classroom and complete written and oral projects for the Senior/Professional Seminar (EDUC 485/486) course. As a culminating experience, students’ communication skills are evaluated as they present their program portfolio to faculty members and peers during the department’s Senior Showcase event. Attainment of “Meets Standard” in all assessed areas on the Senior Showcase rubric (see appendix) is required and includes the assessment of communication skills required for graduation by the college.
Endorsements and special programs for Iowa licensure
Elementary education
Program completion is not final and a recommendation for a teaching license the endorsement for teaching kindergarten through grade six will not be granted until the teaching candidate has met the following requirements:
- Completion of a B.A. or B.S.
- Attainment of a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with an EDUC prefix
- Attainment of final ratings of “Meets Standard” in at least eight of the ten overall ratings of InTASC standards. An overall rating of “unsatisfactory” in any standard or disposition will disqualify the teaching candidate from the recommendation for licensure.
- Demonstrate “Meets Standard” in six of the seven teaching dispositions. An overall rating of “unsatisfactory” in any standard or disposition will disqualify the teaching candidate from the recommendation for licensure.
- Attainment of “Meets Standard” in all assessed areas on the Senior Showcase rubric
- Completion of all requirements in the education, including student teaching
- Completion of all support courses from various departments as advised by the Education Department to meet licensure & endorsement requirements, individual interest, and/or need
- Attainment of “Meets Standard” in all assessed areas on the Senior Showcase rubric
- Recommendation for licensure from the Education Department voting faculty members
Upon successful completion of these requirements, the graduate is recommended to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners for a teaching license.
Elementary Education Major Requirements (48 credits)
Note: Students seeking teacher licensure must, in addition to these major requirements, complete all Teacher Licensure Requirements, listed following these major requirements.
- Complete all of the following:
EDUC 110 Foundations of Education (3)
EDUC 135 Children with Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC 181 Developmental Psychology (3)
EDUC 215 Human Relations (3)
EDUC 237 Teaching Language Arts and Reading (3)
EDUC 240 Teaching, Learning and Assessment (3)
EDUC 333 Science and Technology Curriculum and Methods (3)
EDUC 334 Social Studies Curriculum and Methods (3)
EDUC 352 Teaching of Reading (3)
EDUC 354 Teaching of Mathematics (3)
EDUC 374 Behavior and Classroom Management- Elementary (3)
EDUC 453 Advanced Integration of Technology in Education – Elementary (1)
EDUC 485 Senior Seminar in Elementary Education (2) - Complete one of the following two options:
EDUC 460 Elementary Student Teaching (12)
Complete both of the following:
EDUC 462 Elementary Student Teaching (6)
EDUC 468 K-6 Mild and Moderate Disabilities Student Teaching (6)
Teacher licensure requirements
(in addition to 48 credits education major requirements)
- Complete all elementary education major requirements (48 credits — see above) with a “C” or better in each course
- Complete the following:
EDUC 210 Methods of Teaching Physical Education, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts in the Elementary Classroom (3)
ENGL 208 Literature for Children (3)
GEOG 110 Introduction to Geography (3)
Or GEOG 210 Human Geography (4)
HIST 130 United States to 1877 (3)
Or HIST 131 United States since 1877 (3)
Or HIST 132 Issues in American History (3)
MATH 115 Mathematical Concepts I (3) and MATH 116 Mathematical Concepts II (3)
Or MATH 131 Calculus I (4) and either MATH 115 Mathematical Concepts I (3) or MATH 116 Mathematical Concepts II (3)
Or MATH 132 Calculus II (4) and either MATH 115 Mathematical Concepts I (3) or MATH 116 Mathematical Concepts II (3)
NASC 110 Concepts in Natural Science with Lab (4)
One additional science course (3) - Complete a teacher licensure endorsement program in one of the following areas (please see the education department program guides for specific courses in each endorsement program)
Elementary (K-6 & K-8) |
101 K-12 Athletic Coach
102 K-6 Elem Classroom Teacher 104 K-12 ESL Teacher 113 K-8 Art 119 K-8 English/Lang. Arts 123 K-8 French 125 K-8 German 133 K-8 Spanish 137 K-8 Health 142 K-8 Mathematics 144 K-8 Music 146 K-8 Physical Education 148 K-8 Reading 150 K-8 Science – Basic 164 K-8 Social Studies 167 K-8 Speech Comm/Theater 260 K-8 Instructional Strat I 421 5-8 Algebra for H.S. Cr. 975 K-8 STEM 1001 Birth- 3rd grade Early Childhood Inclusive 1821 5-8 M.S. Language Arts 1822 5-8 M.S. Mathematics 1823 5-8 M.S. Science 1824 5-8 M.S. Social Studies |