Departmental Awards


Biology Senior Award

This award is given to a top graduating senior who is entering graduate or professional school. The award consists of a cash award and a one-year membership in the Iowa Academy of Science.


John Bowles Award

This endowed cash award is presented to a graduating senior in recognition of exemplary achievement or service in the areas of environmental, ecological, evolutionary, or field biology.


Analytical Chemistry Award

The Analytical Chemistry Award is chosen by the analytical chemistry professor and given to a chemistry major. The gift, a one-year subscription to the Journal of Analytical Chemistry, is awarded based upon interest and ability.


Art Bosch Chemistry Award

This endowed cash award, in honor of a long-time member of the chemistry faculty, may be given to a senior for outstanding service to the functioning of the department.

Chemistry Senior Award

This award is given to an outstanding senior majoring in chemistry. The award includes membership and a subscription to The Chemist.


Freshman Award

This award is given to the freshman who has gained highest achievement in Chemistry 111 and 231. The student is selected by the professors in these courses and receives a CRC handbook.


Inorganic Chemistry Award

The Inorganic Chemistry Award recognizes a senior student who displays significant aptitude for inorganic chemistry and to encourage further interest in the field.  The award includes a certificate and letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry.


Organic Chemistry Award

The Organic Chemistry Award recognizes a senior student who displays significant aptitude for organic chemistry and to encourage further interest in the field.  The award includes a certificate and letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry.


Communication Studies

Steve and Joyce Bell Excellence in Journalism Award

The Bell endowed cash award is given to a sophomore, junior or senior who, over the course of an academic year, has demonstrated consistent excellence and integrity in journalistic reporting, writing, photography or video news packaging for campus publications, news broadcasts and on-line news outlets. The same recipient is not eligible for the award in consecutive years. Categories considered for this award include: news stories and opinion pieces that contain original reporting, investigative journalism, stories presented in a series, creative photo journalism, video news packaging, and editorial leadership. Nominations for the Bell Award are solicited from student editors of campus news outlets and their faculty advisors. The Communication Studies faculty selects from the nominations received.

C.A. and Frances L. DeBruin Award

Endowed by the Rev. C.A. DeBruin, the cash award goes to the junior or senior within the Communication Studies department who has exhibited sound academic achievement, high moral character, and who has made a significant contribution to the department.

Economics/Accounting/Business management

Butler Scholar in Economics Award

Named in honor of Dr. Donald Butler, late Professor emeritus of economics, this honor and cash award is given to a senior economics major or a senior student who has completed a significant number of courses in economics.  The award is based on the student’s interest in independent research, the desire to pursue a career in economics or a related field, evidence of intellectual growth, and superior academic performance. The student is selected at the end of his/her junior year, and the student undertakes a research program in economics that culminates in a written paper and public presentation to other students and faculty.


Economics, Accounting and Management Department Business Management Award

This award is given to a senior Business Management major.    Departmental faculty will grant the award based on the recipient’s scholarship, leadership and demonstration of sincere interest in the field of business management.  In recognition of his/her achievement, the award recipient’s name will be inscribed on a plaque in the Weller Center.  The award recipient also will receive a monetary award.

Economics, Accounting and Management Department Outstanding Leadership and Service Award

This award is given to a senior Economics, Accounting, or Business Management major who has distinguished himself/herself not only by earning a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, but also by providing independently driven and entrepreneurially minded leadership and/or service to the department and its students. This can be demonstrated either through work done in student clubs or through other volunteer service in the department.  In recognition of his/her service/leadership, the award recipient’s name will be inscribed on a plaque in the Weller Center.  The award recipient also will receive a monetary award.

Economics Award

This award is presented to the senior economics major who has demonstrated the highest academic achievement in the economics major. The award winner must also have a sincere interest in an economics career and in furthering his or her education with graduate school experience.


Institute of Management Accountants Award

The award is given to the senior accounting major who has demonstrated excellence in accounting as determined by the department faculty. This award is given with the support of the Institute of Management Accountants to a student planning a career in accounting.


Iowa Society of CPAs Award

The award is given to the senior accounting major who has demonstrated excellence in accounting as determined by the department faculty.  This award is given with the support of the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants to a student planning a career in public accounting.


Robert J. Maurer Accounting Award

Each year the faculty from the department of Economics, Accounting and Management will make a written recommendation for this award. The award shall be distributed to the senior accounting major who has demonstrated excellence in accounting as determined by the EAM department faculty. In making this determination the faculty will take all relevant facts and circumstances into consideration to include but not limited to the following criteria in making their selection:  a min overall GPA of 3.5, a min accounting GPA of 3.33 with all 300 and 400 level accounting courses taken at Central or an approved program. Completion of a senior honors project with an Accounting related topic. Outstanding performance in Accounting Research Seminar; student has immediate plans for a career in accounting as evidenced by intention to take an accounting certification exam; service to the department through help with grading, supplemental instruction student clubs; high quality and outstanding performance in accounting related internship.


Bruce and Susan Berical Anderson Education Grant

The Bruce and Susan Berical Anderson Education Grant supports graduates of Central College who successfully complete the Central Teacher Academy in good academic standing.  Susan was a dedicated teacher, mentor and friend to all those who knew and worked with her.  The Central Teacher Academy supports all aspects of teaching and follows Susan’s wish that with a passion for education, and a fire in their belly, all teachers can make a difference in the lives they touch.


Lee Collins Award for Excellence in Education

This endowed award is given to one or more upper class elementary education students who demonstrate ideals which were modeled by Professor Collins.  Selection for the award is made by faculty members in the education department on the basis of academic achievement, and commitment to the welfare of youth.


Barbara Dieleman Award for Excellence in Education

The award is given in honor of Barbara Dieleman, a long-time member of the education faculty. The award is given annually to one or more upperclass education students who demonstrate ideals that were modeled by Professor Dieleman in her teaching career. Selection for the award is made by the education department on the basis of academic achievement, commitment to teaching and learning, personal qualities such as caring, and dependability, service to college and community and overall potential as an effective teacher.


Joyce Huizer Award for Excellence in Education

This award is given to one or more upper class elementary education students who demonstrate ideals which were modeled by Professor Huizer.  Selection for the award is made by faculty members in the education department on the basis of academic achievement, commitment to the welfare of youth, and overall potential as a teacher, particularly in the areas of language arts education.


Calliope Award

The Calliope Award is named for Muse Epic poetry and is awarded annually, at the department’s discretion, to the English major who has demonstrated creativity and intellectual curiosity. The award is funded by members of the English department.



Environmental Science

Anya Z. Butt Environmental Studies Award

The Anya Z. Butt Environmental Studies award is awarded to a graduating senior who has had significant impact on campus or community through involvement and advocacy in environmental issues and has incorporated a sense of global awareness in their studies, evidence through participation in a study abroad program. The recipient receives a monetary award.


The Outstanding Environmental Science Award

The Outstanding Environmental Science Award is awarded to the student with the highest GPA graduating in the environmental science track of the major. The recipient receives a monetary award.


The Outstanding Environmental Sustainability Award

The Outstanding Environmental Sustainability Award is awarded to the student with the highest GPA graduating in the environmental sustainability track of the major. The recipient receives a monetary award.


The Vander Lugt-Voss Scholarship Fund and Prizes in the Humanities

The Vander Lugt-Voss Scholarship Fund is given for excellence in the study of the humanities. Annually, the individual departments in the humanities division (English, history and philosophy/religion) choose one student from each department to receive a cash prize of $100. Prize winners may major in any field and may be in any class so long as they have displayed excellence in their humanities division courses. The award is made in honor of Drs. Gerrit and William Vander Lugt. Dr. Gerrit Vander Lugt was Central College president from 1946-60 and Dr. William Vander Lugt was a professor of philosophy at Central from 1934-50.


Verle Rinehart Exercise Science Award

The Verle Rinehart Exercise Science Award is an endowed award given to an outstanding senior graduating with an exercise science degree. It is hoped this recognition will inspire the recipients to greater service to mankind in the tradition that was Verle Rinehart’s. Selection is made by the exercise science faculty. This endowed award pays for a certification exam.


Mathematics/Computer Science

Henry W. Pietenpol Award

Each year the department gives this endowed award to one or two deserving juniors who have made significant contributions to the department through outstanding scholarship and other service. The award includes membership to the Mathematics Association of America or the Association for Computing Machinery and subscription to two journals.

Modern Languages

Denise Murray Award in French

Lilo Ritter Award in German

Jim Graham Award for Academic Excellence in Spanish

Martha Betancourt Prize for Departmental Excellence and Service Within the Spanish Department

These language awards are given to outstanding language students who have performed at an equally excellent level on campus and abroad and who have promoted the study of language on our campus.



Music Leadership Award

The award is given to a senior music major who has demonstrated excellence in music performance, course work, peer leadership and support of larger department goals.  Selection is made by the music faculty annually.

Musical Theatre

Mr. “B” Outstanding Performance Award

Provided by former Central theatre director Robert Wegter in honor of Maurice Birdsall, director of theatre at Central from 1947-1977, the award goes to the student who made the most significant contribution to the theatre program and who has exhibited competent academic achievement. The recipient receives a monetary award.



Richard J. Mentink Award

An award endowed by gifts of friends and the Mentink family in memory of Richard J. Mentink, who was a student at Central, is given annually to a student who has demonstrated worthy achievement in the field of college physics. The recipient receives a monetary award.

Political Science

Pi Sigma Alpha Award

This award is given to an outstanding political science student, usually a senior, who has set an example of sustained excellence within the discipline through speaking, writing and critical thinking.


Political Science Award

This award is given to an outstanding political science student who shows promise of excellence within the discipline through speaking, writing and critical thinking.


Pre-health Science

Dr. Herman Vander Meulen Award

This endowed award is given to an outstanding senior pre-health student who has been accepted into medical school. This monetary award is to be used to start a professional library. The recipient receives a monetary award.



MVP Award

This award is presented to an outstanding member of the Central College Mock Trial Team who has contributed to the overall success of the team during the course of the season.


Gordon F. De Jong Senior Award

This endowed, cash award is given to an outstanding senior sociology student who shows potential for graduate study. The award is to be used to purchase books for a professional library or for graduate education-related expenses.


Megan Sloss Award

The Megan Sloss award is given to a graduating sociology major who exhibits strong character, a positive and inquisitive spirit, builds relationships with both peers and faculty, and demonstrates devotion to social service work, positive social change, and/or social justice issues.