Biochemistry – BA & BS


James Shriver (chair), James Dunne, Ashley Garr, Lee Macomber, Jay Wackerly

Statement of philosophy – BA

Housed in the Natural Sciences department, a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in biochemistry is offered for students interested in the impact of chemistry on biological systems. Students choosing this major will obtain excellent preparation for a variety of careers including biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, and agricultural chemistry. A degree in biochemistry is also an excellent precursor to pre-professional programs including medicine, dentistry, and optometry.  A student cannot major in both chemistry and biochemistry.


The faculty strives to remain abreast of modern chemical techniques while being aware of the benefits and responsibilities of living in a technological society. Our department follows guidelines of the American Chemical Society (ACS), so biochemistry majors receive instruction comparable to that at larger institutions while benefiting from individualized attention that is the hallmark of Central College. In connection with our ACS certification, students in our department have on-line access to all American Chemical Society publications.


*Students interested in graduate school or an industrial career should consider the Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry.


Statement of philosophy – BS

Housed in the Natural Sciences department, a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in biochemistry is offered for students looking to study the interface of chemistry and biology in more depth. In addition to core classes offered as part of the B.A. major in chemistry, students will take an array of upper-level electives to focus work on their career goals. These major elective tracks allow for additional focus in Biology (Molecular Science) or Computer Science/ Mathematics (Data Science). Students earning a B.S. major in biochemistry will automatically be eligible to graduate with an ACS-certified degree. The faculty strives to remain abreast of modern chemical techniques while being aware of the benefits and responsibilities of living in a technological society. Our department follows guidelines of the American Chemical Society (ACS), so biochemistry majors receive instruction comparable to that at larger institutions while benefiting from individualized attention that is the hallmark of Central College

American Chemical Society certification

The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in biochemistry meets the requirements for ACS- certification which offers excellent preparation for graduate school or a career in industry or government. According to the American Chemical Society, a department that follows and meets the guidelines for certification produces graduates with the background necessary to enter graduate school or employment in which a strong background in chemistry is needed. For the student, a certified degree in chemistry is a valuable personal credential that serves as a national-level recognition for successfully completing a rigorous academic chemistry curriculum in an ACS-approved department. In connection with our ACS certification, students in our department have on-line access to all American Chemical Society publications.

*Students interested in pre-health careers should consider a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in biochemistry to support additional needed coursework appropriate to their chosen program.

Major/Minor restrictions

A student may not major in both biochemistry and chemistry.

*To facilitate flexibility in relation to additional majors, minors, or study abroad, students may request a substitution for a major requirement through the department chair.


Biochemistry (BA) Major Requirements (59-60 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following (48 credits):
     BIOL    131       Introduction to Cells with Lab (4)

     BIOL    221       Genetics and Evolution with Lab (4)
    CHEM   111       General Chemistry I with Lab (4)
    CHEM   112       General Chemistry II with Lab (4)
    CHEM   231       Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4)
    CHEM   241       Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM   321       Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM   331       Organic Chemistry II with Lab (4)
    CHEM   351       Biochemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM   361       Physical Chemistry I (3)
    CHEM   363       Chemical Kinetics with Lab (1)
    MATH   131       Calculus I (4)
    MATH   132       Calculus II (4)
  1. Complete two of the following electives (6-8 credits):
    BIOL     341       Human Physiology with Lab (4)

    BIOL     361       Microbiology with Lab (4)
    BIOL     364       Molecular Biology (3)
    CHEM  451       Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (3)

Biochemistry (BS) Major Requirements (minimum of 76 credits)

  1. Complete all of the following (66-68 credits):
    BIOL     131       Introduction to Cells with Lab (4)

    BIOL     221       Genetics and Evolution with Lab (4)
    CHEM  111       General Chemistry I with Lab (4)
    CHEM  112       General Chemistry II with Lab (4)
    CHEM  231       Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4)
    CHEM  241       Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM  321       Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM  331       Organic Chemistry II with Lab (4)
    CHEM  351       Biochemistry with Lab (4)
    CHEM  361       Physical Chemistry I (3)
    CHEM  363       Chemical Kinetics with Lab (1)
    CHEM  451      Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (3)
    CHEM  461       Physical Chemistry II (3)           
    MATH   131       Calculus I (4)
    MATH   132       Calculus II (4)
    MATH   215       Applied Statistics (4)
    PHYS  101        Introduction to Physics I with Lab (4)
                or  PHYS 111 General Physics I with Lab (5)
    PHYS  101        Introduction to Physics II with Lab (4)
                or PHYS 112  General Physics II with Lab (5)
  1. Complete two biology elective courses from the list below (7-8 credits):
    BIOL    341       Human Physiology with Lab (4)

    BIOL    361       Microbiology with Lab (4)
    BIOL    364       Molecular Biology (3)
    Other approved electives if developed.
  1. Complete a significant research capstone experience by completing one of the following options:

      Research Track: Students will complete a multi-semester research experience culminating in the completion of a thesis, judged by completing one of the following. (2 credits)
     CHEM      498      Senior Thesis in Chemistry (2)
     CHEM      499H    Senior Honors Thesis (2)

     Industrial Track: Students will complete a significant internship/ work experience approved by the department. May be done for internship credit.

  1. Complete an additional course (3-4 credits)

      These courses can come from the list below or from courses NOT used in section 2 (courses may NOT count twice).
      BIOL        210     Epidemiology (3)
      CHEM     421     Advanced Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (3)
      CHEM     431     Advanced Organic Chemistry with Lab (3)
      CHEM     442     Instrumental Analysis with Lab (4)
      CHEM     451      Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (3), 2nd topic
      COSC     110     Introduction to Computer Science (3)
      COSC     130     Data Structures (3)
      DATA      310     Data Visualization (3)
      MATH     330     Mathematical Modeling (3)
      MATH     341     Probability (3)

* A program-approved abroad experience may substitute for one elective in section 4 if taken for 3+ credits with chair approval.